

題名:跨部門及組織間協力關係網之研究: 以多元就業開發方案中彰投區為例
作者:謝杏慧 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsieh, Hsing-Hui
主題關鍵詞:協力組織間關係弱連帶結構洞社會網絡中心性派系collaborationinterorganizational relationships, IORsweak tiestructure holessocial networkcentralitycliques
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Under the impact of the New Public Management (NPM) and governance, the actual boundary has become overlapped and penetrated across sectors and organizations. Consequently, the third sector organizations (TSOs) are able to collaborate intensively with the government, leading to a cross-sectoral collaboration network for social issues.
Utilizing a self-cognition survey by the third sector organization, this study targets at civil groups, subsidized by the government via the Multi-Employment Promotion Program (MEPP). The purpose of the survey is two-fold, on the one hand, to understand how the developmental types and influential factors correlate to different collaboration strengths during the collaboration among sectors or organizations, and on the other to investigate how the current collaboration network is formed.
Two major types of collaboration networks are distinguished in this study based on the strength of collaboration. The first subtype includes informal information exchange networks, formal information exchange networks, and work referral networks, three of which referred to spot collaboration networks. The other type consists of resource sharing, joint activity and alliance establishment as well as planned collaboration networks. The latter type characterizes stronger collaboration strengths than the former.
The social network survey in this study covers 99 multi-civil groups based in Taichung, Changhua and Nantou. Our analysis tools include centrality, cliques, and the test for paired densities as well as QAP correlations under the Social Network Analysis (SNA) in the hope of dissect the social types and structures between civil groups and the government and among civil organizations. Six multi-civil groups were chosen for an in-depth interview, where their interaction with the government is further explored by means of their connection and incorporation with external resources. Survey results are analyzed and examined via weak ties and structure holes under the social network framework.
Results lead to the following findings: (1) the multi-civil organizations have applied for the subsidies due to work expansion and social services; (2) the relation structure between these groups and the government is fairly loose with regard to their network; (3) the resources from the civil groups are mainly shared by the local government; (4) the Employment Services Center of the Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Region controls information exchange; (5) the relationship is also loose among the civil groups, and no broker could be found from the civil groups to receive and control information under the MEPP; (6) there is no clique between governments and multi-civil groups and among multi-civil organizations in the MEPP; and (7) the multi-civil groups receive governmental subsidies, but meanwhile financially have become more independent.
Despite the inevitable trend of collaboration between sectors, this study reveals a rather temporary, low-strength collaboration across sectors and organizations. The implication suggests the following: (1) the Employment Services Center of the Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Region could serve the catalyst role of collaboration network ; (2) the inter-organizational collaboration of TSOs could be developed based on the nature boundary of the region; (3) the MEPP consultancy group would be a good assistor for building collaboration social network; (4) the incorporation of social and economic organizations would be a plus; (5) those who are able to incorporate more resources from private organizations, the government and entrepreneurs should be encouraged when applying for MEPP subsidies.
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