

作者:朱慶琳 引用關係
作者(外文):Chu, Ching-Lin
主題關鍵詞:共享式參與共享式注意力自閉症類群家長訓練舞蹈治療joint engagementjoint attentionautism spectrum disorderscaregiver mediated interventiondance therapy
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研究目的:當代對自閉症兒童之共享式注意力(joint attention, JA)及共享式參與(joint engagement, JE)之介入方案研究證實雖有療效,但存有日常生活情境不易類化、不具分享性及療效結果不穩定等限制。本研究旨在以加入舞蹈治療創造性取向概念之JE家長訓練方案,探討對自閉症類群幼兒,於具分享性之JE/JA的治療效果及其伴隨療效。
研究方法:採準實驗研究設計,共有34名2歲至未滿4歲自閉症類群幼兒參與本研究,含介入組(N = 18)及配對生理年齡、語文非語文心理年齡、發展商數及症狀嚴重度之對照組(N = 16)。介入組幼兒接受每週兩次、每次一小時、共計20次一對一親子介入。訓練家長使用三大教法:跟隨模仿、建立遊戲常規及提升JE狀態,舞蹈治療之創造性取向涵蓋於此三教法之中。
Purpose: Joint attention (JA) interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) were focused on improving of joint engagement (JE) and JA skills. Although recent literature demonstrated positive outcomes, but those JE and JA skills were limited with poor generalization, lacked of sharing and unstable efficacy. The purpose of this study was to develop caregiver mediated JE intervention program adding the perspective of creative dance/movement therapy, to investigate the effects of the JE/JA skills and their collateral abilities in young children with ASDs.
Methods: A quasi-experimental research designs was conducted. Thirty-four young children with autism spectrum disorders ages 2-4 were recruited. The intervention group (N=18) matched to the comparison group (N=16) on chronological age, verbal mental age, nonverbal mental age, developmental quotient (DQ), and symptom severity. Program was consisted of 20 sessions with one hour a session and twice a week. Each session was arranged for the target child and his/er mother. Three major kinds of teaching strategies including following and imitation, forming a play routine, and facilitating JE state were used in the intervention program. The creative dance/movement therapy was used throughout these strategies.
Intervention outcomes were collected through unstructured activities and standardized tools/tasks by independent testers at both pre- and post- intervention and 3 months follow-up. The primary outcome measures were JE and JA, assessed from the caregiver–child paly and the Early Social Communication Scales, respectively. The collateral effects measures were mental development, language, socialization, and play skills, assessed by the Mullen Scales of Early Learning, the Reynell Developmental Language Scales, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Second Edition, and Structured Play Assessment.
Results: Results indicated that children-initiated supportive and coordinated JE were greater for the intervention group compared with the comparison group at 3 months follow-up. There were no significant differences between the two groups on JE at post-intervention and JA both at post-treatment and 3 months follow-up. Besides, the improvement of collateral abilities as visual reception and receptive language were persistent 3 months after intervention. Caregiver’s fidelity was only significantly correlated to supportive JE. There was no significant difference on caregiver’s fidelity between the good and poor responders after intervention. For the children beginning intervention with the lowest DQ levels, the JE intervention could improve their children-initiated JE outcome significantly than did the children with high DQ levels.
Conclusions: Results showed while adding the creative dance/movement therapy approach into the JE intervention could enhance children-initiated JE, especially the coordinated JE with sharing, and the collateral abilities. Adding dance therapy into the program had its unique contribution. Factors which influenced the responsiveness of intervention should be considered. Due to caregivers were burdened with bringing their children to receive the varied early intervention services, the quality and quantity of conducting the home program was limited. Finally, research limitations in the current study were discussed. The authors also provided some ideas for the future studies and clinical practice.
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