

作者(外文):Tan Tzyy Wen
主題關鍵詞:依附關係低自我控制接觸偏差同儕認同非法手段青少年偏差行為縱貫性研究attachmentlow self-controldeviant peerillegal meansdelinquencylongitudinal
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Drawing upon the social control theory, low self-control theory, social learning theory and differential opportunity theory, this study tried to find how attachment, low self-control, deviant peer and illegal means would influence juvenile delinquency. Sample of the study consisted of 465 junior high school students from Tainan City by a random stratified-cluster sampling. Structure equation modeling was used to test the model. The results of this study found that: (1)although by the impact of timing, attachment, low self-control, deviant peer and illegal means of individual development, showed a stable phenomenon; (2) as the indirect effects analysis showed, low self-control, association with deviant peers and illegal means were the mediators for the relationship between attachment and juvenile delinquency; (3) confirm low self-control, deviant peer and illegal means mediating effects; (4) attachment developing with a variety of different interdependence between the combination; (5) the direct effect of time-span analysis, relationship between deviant peer exposure and adolescent deviant behaviors of the highest, followed by low self-control, the third for the attachment, illegal means the lowest; (6) the sustainability and stability of attachment effect; (7) the juvenile period of orientation, individual adaptation to life as an important guide to predict the future; (8) adolescence's self-control of the development process is not a simple linear trend, low self-control and exposure to deviant peer relationship is a mutual influence process of change. (9) recognizes the relationship between deviant peer and delinquency is a deviation cycle. Based on the research results, several suggestions for guidance and further studies were also provided.
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