

題名:活躍老化的在地實踐: 兩岸時間銀行經驗分析
作者(外文):Liu, Hung-Yu
主題關鍵詞:在地實踐兩岸活躍老化時間銀行經驗community practiceactive ageingCross-StraitTime Bankexperience
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In 1980, Time Bank is founded in the US, aiming at encouraging the elderly to contribute themselves to their communities. Meanwhile, it severs as a medium of exchange that flows around the community knitting relationships together. To reinforce reciprocity and trust, it upends the monetary society and creats a currency which based on people giving and sharing. This study focues on how to achieve an active ageing community through participating in Time Bank. Therefore, the purposes of this study are : 1.Examine important concepts and values of Time Bank; 2. Investigate the development of Time Bank in China and Taiwan; 3.Analyze the effect of implementation of Time Bank in China and Taiwan; 4.Construct the action strategies of community practice of active ageing; 5.Propose suggestions for policy, execution and research.
This qualitative study adopted purposive sampling. To realize the subject opinions with Time Bank, it based on in-depth interviews, focus groups and individual face to face interview
to discuss with old participants who lived in the community. This study presented two community experiences(“Blue Ribbon Time Bank” in Beijing and “Time Bank” in Tainan) to
discover the practical cases and complement related literature. This study comes to the following conclusions:1. Time Bank is using community collaboration model to add value to time, emphasizing reciprocal voluntary service, breaking interpersonal distance and barrier, enhancing sense and ability of community, strengthening neighborhood relationship and increasing the adaptability for late life.2. The development of time bank in China or in Taiwan is to effectively solve the poverty and care problem among elderly population. It stresses on the “localization” and “convenience” of services, intending to utilize the power of “mutual support” to fulfill the requirement of related service for diverse community and ageing society in communities. It reexamines the basic abilities and values of communities. It provide a “home-centered” caring method, attempting to form a family-like support circle. It includes collective, direct and caring energy and collective functions like “supportability” and “sociability.”
According to the findings and the conclusions,a set of action strategies of community practice of active ageing is constructed and several remmendations are made for practical application and future related researches.
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