

作者(外文):Tai, Shih-Mei
主題關鍵詞:婚姻暴力受暴婦女紮根理論父權家族系統Domestic ViolenceBattered WomanGrounded TheoryPatriarchyClan System
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女性遭受婚姻暴力(Domestic Violence)的現象是全球共同面臨的問題,台灣也早在1998年就通過亞洲第一部的家庭暴力防治法,歷年來英美等國的服務模式也陸續的被移植到台灣,衍生出許多防治措施。西風東漸的情形下,社會工作實務上慣用美國所發展出來的「權力控制輪」的圖像,來解釋女性遭受婚姻暴力的動力現象,缺乏對於台灣女性受暴脈絡不同於西方國家的討論。在檢閱婚姻暴力有關文獻之後,本研究藉由於引進日裔美國學者吉濱‧美惠子(Mieko Yoshihama)所發展的「父權家族系統受暴網」 (A Web of Intimate Partner Violence in the Patriarchal Clan System),此一立基於東方社會文化情境(Socio-Culture)的觀點,作為看待女性遭受婚姻暴力現象的基礎。
本研究聚焦在進行台灣本土婚姻暴力圖像及對策的討論,研究目的在於:(1)檢視台灣女性被害人遭受婚姻暴力或社會工作者服務女性被害人的經驗中,女性被害人受「父權體制」與「家族系統」影響的現象與內涵; (2)產出以台灣本土社會情境及婚姻暴力女性被害人受暴經驗為基礎的「台灣婚姻暴力圖像」;(3)對應台灣本土社會情境及婚姻暴力女性被害人的受暴經驗,指出當前在女性被害人服務方面應該強化的對策;(4)針對未來台灣婚姻暴力防治體系中,健全婚姻暴力女性被害人服務的防治策略,提出政策與實務面的具體建議。
為利進行「父權家族系統受暴網」觀點的修改,與本土圖像的討論,本研究採質性研究取向,依循紮根理論 (Grounded Theory)的研究方法進行。研究者在美國密西根大學進行觀點原創人吉濱‧美惠子的專家訪談,並以滾雪球的方式邀請大台北地區的婚姻暴力女性被害人和直接與間接的婚姻暴力相關服務社工人員,共計24人,進行5次的本土焦點團體訪談。在團體中,研究參與者皆指出「父權家族系統受暴網」與本土女性被害人所經驗的暴力極為相似,但卻也有不同之處。
經由資料分析歸納的結果,本研究發現台灣女性被害人的遭受婚姻暴力的過程,已經不再是兩個人之間的事(被害人與加害人),而是 (1)如同千變萬化的「暴力陣」,以眾人的「暴力合理化」為核心,孩子不但參與其中,同時也處在被利用和被決定的地位(2)加害人經常使用各種不同的複合戰術,同時出現許多不同於日本女性所遭遇到的型態,像是信用剝奪、騷擾行為和利用輿論壓力等(3)除了加害人的施暴之外,女性被害人要面對社會文化情境面來自「婆家」、「娘家」,以及自幼所受的「父權」思想灌輸和「大眾輿論」,甚至是「民間傳統的信仰與習俗」的影響 (4)透過社區鄰里的輿論傳遞和媒體的傳播,所有的父權傳統教條,再次強化了暴力合理化的文化。 (5)因為上述多方面的加害與壓力,使得台灣女性被害人的內心經常游移在「自主」和「隱忍」的價值之間,加上傳統的性別角色與「家庭照顧的責任」,讓女性更傾向於選擇為守住夫方家庭的完整性而活。
Domestic violence against women is a phenomenon present in all countries worldwide. In 1998, Taiwan passed the Family Violence Prevention Act, becoming the first country in Asia to legislate against domestic violence. After service models from Europe and the United States were introduced into Taiwan, relevant measures for preventing domestic violence have been developed. Under circumstances when eastern society is influenced by western cultures, the Power and Control Wheel developed in the United State is often used in social work to explain the dynamics by which women are subjected to domestic violence. However, alternative (non-Western) discussions on Taiwanese domestic violence have been scant. This study conducted a literature review and adopted the concept of A Web in the Patriarchal Clan System, proposed by Japanese-American scholar Mieko Yoshihama, which takes into consideration an Asian sociocultural context, as a foundation to study domestic violence against women.
This study examined Taiwanese domestic violence and relevant antiviolence strategies. The objectives of this study were: (a) to explore the phenomenon and implications of the influence that patriarchal and clan systems have on female victims of domestic violence based on social workers’ experiences of serving these victims; (b) produce an image of Taiwanese domestic violence based on Taiwan’s social context and the experience of local female victims; (c) identify strategies that should be enhanced for serving female victims by examining Taiwan’s social context and the experience of local female victims of domestic violence; and (d) propose suggestions for establishing comprehensive policies and antiviolence strategies in Taiwan’s future domestic violence prevention system for serving female victims of domestic violence.
A qualitative approach was employed in conjunction with grounded theory to revise the perspective of A Web in the Patriarchal Clan System and discuss domestic violence in Taiwan. The researcher conducted an interview with the creator of the Web in the Patriarchal Clan System perspective, Mieko Yoshihama, at the University of Michigan. Snowball sampling was used to recruit female victims of domestic violence, as well as social workers who have directly or indirectly served the victims, in the Taipei Metro Area. A total of 24 participants were recruited to attend five focus group sessions. The participants stated that although the experiences of female victims were similar to that proposed by the Web in the Patriarchal Clan System, certain differences did exist.
Data analysis results indicated that domestic violence against women in Taiwan is no longer a matter that is solely between the victim and the offender. It is characterized by the following traits: (a) Domestic violence is an ever-changing array of violence that is centered on the public’s justifying of violence, where children are not only involved but are being used and forced to take sides. (b) The offender often uses various compound tactics, which create a different form of domestic violence than that experienced by Japanese women, such as credit deprivation, harassment, and public pressure. (c) In addition to domestic violence, female victims are also subjected to the influence of sociocultural contexts, including their origins and the husbands’ families, as well as stress caused by patriarchy, public opinion, and even traditional religion beliefs and customs. (d) Traditional patriarchal concepts are disseminated through public opinion in communities and the media, which further reinforces a culture that rationalizes violence. (e) Because of victimization and stress, female victims of domestic violence in Taiwan are frequently tormented by the values of autonomy and tolerance. This, in combination with traditional gender roles and the responsibility of being the family caregiver, results in the tendency among female victims of domestic abuse in Taiwan to prioritize keeping the integrity of their husbands’ families.
Based on the “array of violence” developed in this study, the researchers provide recommendations pertaining to policy system and operational dimensions for formulating domestic violence prevention measures in Taiwan. In addition, relevant individuals should place greater emphasis on the strategies of domestic violence prevention, such as investing in preventative service in communities, ensuring accessibility to medical and health services, offering community-involved rescue mechanisms, training relevant professionals, and developing long-term living and employment support for victims of domestic abuse. By enhancing these strategies, the connection between the offender’s abusive actions and environmental factors can be severed, public opinion can be transformed into positive support, and the patriarchal influence on women in households and workplace can be mitigated. Furthermore, support provided by woman’s family should be enhanced, and the husband’s family’s indifference toward violent behavior should be deterred, thereby crippling the core justifying of violence and liberating female victims from domestic violence.
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