

題名:經濟弱勢女性單親就業歷程與經驗 --雙系統論觀點之分析
作者(外文):I-chen Chen
主題關鍵詞:女性單親就業歷程社會資本single mothersemployment processsocial capital
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According to modern welfare discourse, it is inevitable for single mothers to get employed. Based on dual-system theory, the study aims to explore the mechanism of the process of single mothers employment by analysing the domination and exploitation of patriarchy and capitalism. Three goals are included in the study: to disclose the labour participation and the content and burden of family care-giving; to find out the dilemma, coping strategies and social capital of single mothers when they shoulder double burden; to offer suggestions for policy and social work practice.
Hermeneutic phenomenology is adopted. Twelve single mothers were invited in an in-depth interview. Results of the study showed that that the requests of family value and mothering from patriarchy impel single mothers to participate in atypical employment. Single mothers cannot make ends meet and increase human capital. Additionally, the development of late capitalism limits single mothers in the secondary labour market, but welfare services provide no immediate assistance. In order to survive, single mothers utilise multiple strategies. Their social capital is limited, but they make good use of reciprocity among their network. In addition, they prove themselves as good mothers to obtain support from the network. Based on the findings, suggestions are provided.
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