

主題關鍵詞:高齡者運動健康信念運動參與動機運動承諾活躍老化行為elderlyexercise health beliefexercise participation motivationexercise commitmentactive aging behavior
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本研究主要探討高齡者在運動健康信念、運動參與動機、運動承諾和活躍老化行為具備之現況,並比較不同背景變項之高齡者在本研究變項的差異,同時也調查運動健康信念、運動參與動機、運動承諾與活躍老化行為之間的相關性,另外也從運動健康信念、運動參與動機、運動承諾來進行對活躍老化行為的預測。本研究利用改編之高齡者運動健康信念量表(包含知覺運動障礙、知覺運動利益、行動線索、知覺疾病威脅和尋求運動支持等分量表)、運動參與動機量表(包含體適能健康管理、外表體重控制、壓力情緒管理和社會人際關係等分量表)、運動承諾量表(包含運動樂趣、涉入替代、個人投資、涉入機會和社會支持等分量表)與活躍老化行為量表(包含身心健康促進、獨立自主、社會參與和社會安全資源運用等分量表)調查高雄地區458位長者,蒐集後的資料則以 SPSS for Windows V.20 進行單因子變異數分析 (ANOVA)、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要發現如下:
A Study of Relationships between the Elderly’s Exercise Health Belief, Exercise Participation Motivation, Exercise Commitment and Active Aging Behavior
The main research purposes of this study were to analyze the status quo of four exercise participation factors which included exercise health belief, exercise participation motivation, exercise commitment and active aging behavior of the elderly. Moreover, the study compared the differences and investigated the correlation among these exercise participation factors based on exercise participated background. In addition, the study examined the extent of individual’s active aging by these factors.
The data were collected by using adapted questionnaire in exercise health belief(including perceived barriers to exercise, perceived expected benefits of exercise, cues to action, perceived susceptibility to serious health problems, seeking the support of exercise), exercise participation motivation(including fitness and health management, appearance and weight control, emotion and stress management, social recognition), exercise commitment(including exercise enjoyment, involvement alternatives, personal investments, involvement opportunities, social support) and active aging behavior (including the promotion to physical and mental, independence, social participation, the utilization of resources of social security). The participants were 458 elders who are over 55 years old from Kaohsiung city. The statistical analysis methods applied in this study were one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.
There are three findings in this study:
1.The scores of the exercise health beliefs, exercise participation motivations, exercise commitments reflect the elder’s exercise concept in health promotion, participation goals, persistence of the exercise and the degree of active aging behaviors. The perception of exercise benefits is the most important factor in the exercise health beliefs. Further, physical fitness and health management is the main motivation for the elderly in exercise participation. Moreover, exercise enjoyment is the most important factor of the exercise commitments, life independence is the main behavior in the active aging behaviors.
2.The frequency of the exercise per week, accompany with different people, and different health levels are the background variables impact on the exercise health beliefs, participation motivations, exercise commitments and active aging behaviors. Exercise health belief, exercise participation motivation, exercise commitment and active aging behavior, the elderly having exercise behaviors and are in good health level presents significantly higher scores compared to the people who are in poor health level and inactive.
3.There are positive correlation among exercise health belief, exercise participation motivation, exercise commitment and active aging behavior. However, the perception of movement disorders, involvement alternatives and other levels are negatively correlated. It indicates perception disorders and involvement alternatives produce the reverse impact on exercise health belief, exercise participation motivation, exercise commitment and active aging behavior.
4. Enhance the exercise commitment continuously is essential for elderly to foster active aging behavior; exercise enjoyment promotes physical and mental health, life independence, social participation, and active aging behavior.

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