

作者(外文):Chien-Chih Lu
主題關鍵詞:性别角色同儕關係性別平等教育需求國中視覺障礙學生sex rolepeer relationshipgender equality education needsjunior high school students with visual impairment
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship among sex role, peer relationship, gender equality education needs and structure model for junior high school students with visual impairment. Inventory survey was used in the study which participants 298 students with visual impairment and 310 students with normal condition in junior high schools. The data was analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA , and structural equation modeling. Results of the study were described as the followings:
1. Junior high school students with visual impairment were lower performance than general students in sex role, peer relationship, and gender equality education needs.
2. There were differences among grade, the degree of visual impairment, caused by impaired period, family status, socioeconomic status and parenting styles on the sex role, peer relationship, and gender equality education needs of junior high school students with visual impairment. There was significant difference in onset of visual impairment.
3.The Socioeconomic status, grade, degree of visual impairment, family status and mother discipline variables could effectively predict the sex role, peer relationship and gender equality education needs of junior high school students with visual impairment.
4. By verifying the goodness of fit the predict model of junior high school students with visual impairment. Evaluated basic goodness of fit indedices, internal and external quality of structure, indicated empirically a good fit with the model.
According to the results of the study, suggestions were raised for teaching intervention and future studies.
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