

作者:沈碩彬 引用關係
作者(外文):Shen Shuo-Pin
主題關鍵詞:高中職教師心理資本工作價值觀情緒勞務學校生活適應high school and vocational school teacherspsychological capitalwork valuesemotional laborschool life adjustment
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(一) 教師心理資本的內涵依據正向心理學理論與教育現況之架構可歸納為:自我效能、希望、樂觀與韌性等層面
(二) 教師工作價值觀的內涵依據相關理論與教育現況之架構可歸納為:自我實現、組織安全與休閒健康等層面
(三) 教師情緒勞務的內涵依據相關理論與教育現況之架構可歸納為:表層演出、深層演出、真情流露、規範與多樣性等層面,其中前三項以學生為焦點,後兩項以工作為焦點
(四) 教師學校生活適應依據相關理論與教育現況之架構可歸納為:個人適應、工作適應與人際適應等層面
(一) 教師心理資本的現況在中上程度,但其中以自我效能較為低落
(二) 教師工作價值觀的現況在中上程度,但其中以組織安全較為低落
(三) 教師情緒勞務的現況在中上程度,但其中以真情流露與規範的程度較高
(四) 教師學校生活適應的現況在中上程度,但其中以人際適應最強,工作適應最弱
(五) 教師心理資本、工作價值觀、情緒勞務與學校生活適應的現況中,以工作焦點情緒勞務最強,學生焦點情緒勞務最弱
(一) 男性教師有較佳的休閒健康、個人適應與工作適應
(二) 年長或資深教師有較佳的自我效能、樂觀、個人適應、工作適應與人際適應
(三) 已婚教師有較高程度的自我效能與情緒勞務規範
(四) 兼行政職的教師有較為優質的工作適應
(五) 高中、公立學校教師有較佳的組織安全感,高職教師有較高程度的工作適應,私立學校教師則有較高程度的整體學生焦點情緒勞務與工作適應
(一) 教師心理資本、工作價值觀、情緒勞務與學校生活適應的各構面現況間有低到中度的正向關聯,其中關聯性最強的前三組為:真情流露與情緒勞務規範、真情流露與個人適應、情緒勞務規範與人際適應;關聯性最弱的前三組為:休閒健康與表層演出、韌性與組織安全、自我效能與休閒健康
(二) 教師心理資本、工作價值觀、情緒勞務與學校生活適應的各構念現況間有中度正向關聯,其中學生焦點情緒勞務與學校生活適應的關聯性最強,心理資本與工作焦點情緒勞務的關聯性最弱
(三) 教師在各構面與各構念的現況之間有低至中高度的正向關聯,其中真情流露、情緒勞務規範與其它構念的關聯性較高,表層演出與其它構念的關聯性較低
(一) 教師的心理資本強盛與否是形成其學校生活適應良窳程度的關鍵成因之一
(二) 教師的工作價值觀好壞亦是形成其學校生活適應良窳程度的關鍵成因之一,而教師工作價值觀可居中影響心理資本對學校生活適應的預測情形
(三) 教師的情緒勞務高低亦是形成其學校生活適應良窳程度的關鍵成因之一,而教師情緒勞務觀亦可居中影響心理資本對學校生活適應的預測情形
(四) 教師的工作價值觀與情緒勞務兩者可居中影響心理資本對學校生活適應的預測情形
The purpose of this study was to investigate the path model among teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment in high schools and vocational schools. The method this study adopted was questionnaire survey. The instrument of this study was “Teachers' Psychological Capital, Work Values, Emotional Labor, and School Life Adjustment Scale” constructed by this researcher. The participants in this study were high school teachers and vocational school teachers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Adopting stratified random sampling, this study sent out 500 questionnaires and got 478 questionnaires returned with a return rate at 95.60%. The collected data were analyzed by using confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and structural equation modeling. The following 5 conclusions were drawn from this study.
1. High School and vocational school teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment were all second-order model.
A) According to positive psychology theory and educational current situation, the components of teachers' psychological capital were: self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience.
B) According to related theories and educational current situation, the components of teachers' work values were: self-realization, organizational security, and leisure health.
C) According to related theories and educational current situation, the components of teachers' emotional labor were surface acting, deep acting, genuine, norms, and variety. The former three focused on “students”, and the latter two focused on “job”.
D) According to related theories and educational current situation, the components of teachers' school life adjustment were: personal, job, and interpersonal adjustment.
2. The current situation of high school and vocational school teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment were all in medium-high level.
A) Teachers' psychological capital was in medium-high level, but self-efficacy was relatively low.
B) Teachers' work values was in medium-high level, but organizational security was relatively low.
C) Teachers' emotional labor was in medium-high level, but genuine and norm were relatively high.
D) Teachers' school life adjustment was in medium-high level. Interpersonal adjustment was relatively high, while job adjustment was relatively low.
E) In the current situation of teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment, job-focus emotional labor was relatively high, but students-focus emotional labor was relatively low.
3. Under some different kinds of backgrounds, there were differences in high school and vocational school teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment.
A) Male teachers got a higher degree of leisure health, personal adjustment, and job adjustment.
B) Older or veteran teachers got a higher degree of self-efficacy, optimism, personal adjustment, job adjustment, and interpersonal adjustment.
C) Married teachers got a higher degree of self-efficacy and norms of emotional labor.
D) Teachers as a director or a section chief got a higher degree of job adjustment.
E) High school or public school teachers got a higher degree of organizational security. Vocational teachers got a higher degree of job adjustment, and private school teachers got a higher degree of student-focus emotional labor and job adjustment.
4. There were positive correlations between each two constructs of high school and vocational school teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment.
A) There were low-medium positive correlations between each two dimensions of teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment. The strongest three correlations were between “genuine and norms,” “genuine and personal adjustment,” and “norms and interpersonal adjustment,” while the weakest three correlations were between “leisure health and surface acting,”“resilience and organizational security,” and “self-efficacy and leisure health”.
B) There were medium positive correlations between each two constructs of teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment. The strongest correlation was between student-focus emotional labor and school life adjustment, while the weakest correlation was between psychological capital and job-focus emotional labor.
C) There were low-high positive correlations between each dimension and each construct of teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment. The correlations of genuine or norms with other constructs were relatively strong, while the correlations of surface acting with other constructs were relatively weak.
5. There were predictive path relationship among high school and vocational school teachers' psychological capital, work values, emotional labor, and school life adjustment.
A) Teachers' psychological capital was one of the key causes of school life adjustment.
B) Teachers' work values was also one of the key causes of school life adjustment, and it could be a mediator between psychological capital and school life adjustment.
C) Teachers' emotional labor was also one of the key causes of school life adjustment, and it could also be a mediator between psychological capital and school life adjustment.
D) Teachers' work values and emotional labor could be two mediators between psychological capital and school life adjustment.
According to the study findings and conclusions, the researcher proposed some recommendations for high school and vocational school teachers, schools administrative units, and future research.
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