

作者(外文):Ming-Cheng Yeh
主題關鍵詞:重大議題課程政策課程政策實施釋意理論crucial issuescurriculum policycurriculum policy implementationsensemaking theory
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本研究以釋意理論探究重大議題課程政策的實施問題,旨在瞭解基層實施者如何對這項複雜的課程政策產生釋意,以求對其實施變異現象提出適當的解釋。本研究先剖析重大議題課程政策內涵,其次援引Karl Weick, David Cohen與James Spillane所提出的釋意理論,以認知、微觀角度分析三位國小教師對重大議題課程政策的釋意過程,再分析其個人因素、所處環境脈絡(學校、地方層級)對其釋意之影響,最後針對釋意理論應用於課程政策實施研究提出檢討與反省。
The main purpose of this study is to inquiry the problematic implementation of the curriculum policy of the crucial issues (CPCI) based on sensemaking theories. The policy contents of the CPCI were analyzed first. Secondly, sensemaking theories proposed by Karl Weick, David Cohen, and James Spillane were adopted to investigate how three elementary school teachers made sense of the CPCI from cognitive and microscopic perspectives. Thirdly, the factors that influenced three teachers’sensemaking process, at the individual level, school level and local education administration level, were revealed from research data. Finally, the implications of sensemaking theories in curriculum policy implementation research were discussed.
For attaining the research purposes, this study adopted qualitative multi-case study method. Data were collected by interviews, document analysis and observations. The conclusions were drawn as followings:
1. The goals of CPCI comprise knowledge, attitudes and social action components and embody the value of social reform. CPCI implies high expectations for implementers. However, the strategies designed were vague and regulations were ordered.
2. The teachers choose to interpret and enact the CPCI with their original mental models, and their sensemaking of the CPCI was deeply influenced by their
personal factors.
3. The school authority and the local education government pay little attention to the CPCI which is one of the main reasons for the phenomena mentioned
4. The concepts in CPCI are very complex and have many variations. The teacher inservice training is inadequate according to these concepts. As a
result, the teachers have difficulties to understand the CPCI.
5. CPCI is located at the marginal place of school curriculum. The policy designer do not arrange fixed period of teaching time and relevant materials
which bring about more difficulties to implementation.
6. The sensemaking theories are useful for understanding how individual teachers make sense of the implementation process of the curriculum policy.
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