

作者:蔡佳容 引用關係
作者(外文):Chia-jung Tsai
主題關鍵詞:失智症家庭照顧者照顧經驗質性研究dementiafamily caregivercaregiving experiencequalitative study
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This study explored the caregiving experiences of dementia family caregivers. Hermeneutic phenomenological approach was chosen to analyze the essential themes and four daughters of dementia patients participated in the semi-structured, in-depth interview. The data was analyzed by two dimensions --- suffering and coping. For the results, the researcher first described each participant’s personal experiences, then provided a summary of the common essential themes among the participants in order to answer research questions. The findings were summarized as follows:
The themes for the suffering experiences of dementia family caregivers were: unable to control the onset and progression of dementia, constant changing variables due to the long-term caregiving process, situated in uncertainty and doubt over a long period of time, providing uni-directional affections to dementia patient continually, taking on the responsibility of multiple roles, perceiving not enough sibling support and feelings of fighting a lonely battle.
The themes for the coping experiences of dementia family caregivers were: maintaining a relationship bond, providing the necessities of life, focusing on the here and now and the benefits of the patient, relying on professional help, reversing the distress through one’s own willpower, achieving the task of one’s role, learning self-awareness and existence issues from caregiving.
The study also found the daughters were situated in the role transformation among the being cared person, caregiving leader and cooperating caregiver. In addition to discuss these findings, the researcher also discussed the clinical implications of what these findings meant to professional helpers. The contributions and limitations were explained at the end of study. The researcher also proposed recommendations for counselors and further studies.
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