

作者(外文):Yu-ting Huang
主題關鍵詞:民主鞏固民族主義民粹主義市民社會democracy consolidationnationalismpopulismpolitical sociology
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In the transition from authoritarianism to democracy in Taiwan, the main driving force is the calling of nationalism and populism rather than the request for democracy that engages people to support and even join the political movement against the authoritarianism regime. Even today’s Taiwan, the nationalism and populism are still the basic logic and ideology behind the social movements. The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the contribution of these two ideologies in the process of the transition toward democracy and the role they play in the consolidation of democracy. While the long-term practice of democratic politics has gradually internalized democratic values into Taiwan’s citizens, there is still a ‘paradox of democracy in Taiwan’ that both nationalism and populism are in conflict with the democratic engineering. In terms of nationalism, the paper argues that, although the ‘problem of nation formation’ has been partly resolved, the major issue has come to the legitimation of the ‘immigrant regime,’ which suspects the status of the KMT to rule Taiwan in a ‘democratic way,’ and questions the legitimacy of the constitution. On the other hand, populism grows widely with the help of newspapers, mass media, and the internet, and draws more and more movements into the no-confidence campaigns against the state regime. Taiwan society is thus forming an against-structure for protest and refusal, and the continuous conflicts between society and government have lured Taiwan into a long-term stalemate impasse. We therefore argue that the key issue of the paradox of democracy is the relationship between government and society. With the decline of the authoritarianism regime, Taiwan does not construct a democratic interaction mode to handle the relationship between government and society instead. Rather, nationalism and populism replaced the previous interaction mode. Nationalism and populism have thus become the major barrier to real democracy in Taiwan.
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