

作者(外文):Shu-Ping Chiu
主題關鍵詞:競爭優勢設計教育核心能力評估指標德菲法evaluation indicatorsDelphi Methodcompetitive advantagecore competenciesDesign education
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技職教育之目標主要為供應產業界所需各階層及各職能人力之教育。 因此技職體系畢業生的人力資源與素質,對於國家經濟與工商業的發展,具有相當重要的影響力。 近年來大學入學比率大幅提高,但大專畢業青年失業率卻有上升現象,Subrahmanyam(2013)指出,技職教育可有效解決失業問題,技職教育在今日已是國際性的研究議題。為適應全球化與知識經濟的潮流及勞動市場的急劇變化以及大環境的變遷,這一代青年在進入職場時,除專業技能之外,還須具備能滿足新經濟要求的核心就業能力。台積電董事長張忠謀指出,臺灣目前的產業問題嚴重,原因是由於產學落差所造成。因此,教育部為落實技職校院務實致用之課程發展,規劃符合產企業需求及有助於提升技職體系學生職場競爭力之課程,因此積極規劃與建構各學群專業能力指標。
有鑑於此,本研究旨在建構一套適合我國設計科系學生核心能力之評估指標,以作為評估學生競爭優勢水平之準則。 本研究以德菲法之專家共同決策建構評估指標,並將通過一致性標準達專家共識之德菲問卷,轉換為實證研究之結構式問卷,進行北、中、南量化問卷之驗證與評估,以瞭解學生的核心能力水平與差異,以提供教學相關單位進行教學成效評估、課程進度與內容規劃調整之參考。 並可協助學生進行職前診斷之依循,縮短學用落差以符產業人才之需求。 而為驗證本研究所建構之研究量表與結構模型之適合與否,採用SPSS 20.0 及SmartPLS 結構方程模式(SEM)統計軟體進行分析與驗證。
研究發現:不同背景學生的核心能力存在顯著性差異,以平均數分析,核心能力以中部表現最好;而國立大學設計科系學生在關鍵能力之「創意思考」與「態度倫理」構面顯著優於私立大學,但私立大學設計科系學生之操作實務能力顯著優於國立大學。 若以工作屬性區分,國立大學為創意研發,而私立大學專於技術研發,互有所長。 而在構面指標之模型驗證上,分析結果顯示本研究模型具有良好的信效度,路徑分析結果顯示本結構模型適配度佳。 結果說明本研究所建構之研究模型可提供後續研究者參酌引用,並可作為未來研究之基礎進行發展。 而所建構之明確評估指標可提供教學相關單位進行學生能力之評估準則,更可提供產企業界未來在選才評估時之依據參考,為本研究之主要貢獻。
Main goal of technical and vocational education is to cultivate manpower of all levels and with various functions needed by the industry. Therefore, human resources and quality of technical and vocational graduates have significant influences on development of national economic, industrial and commercial industries. In recent years, college enrollment rate has increased substantially but unemployment rate of college graduates has also gone up. Subrahmanyam (2013) indicates: technical and vocational education can effectively solve problem of unemployment and has become an international research issue presently. For adapting trends of globalization and knowledge economy as well as rapid change of labor market and surrounding environment, this generation of young people should possess not only professional skills but also core employment ability that meets new economic requirements when entering the workforce. Morris Chang, Chairman of TSMC, says current severe industry problem in Taiwan is caused by gap between education and industry. For the sake of implementing development of pragmatic and practical curriculum in vocational and technical colleges as well as providing courses in conformity with industrial requirements and in favor of increase in TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) students’ career competitiveness, Ministry of Education actively plans for and establishes indicators for various study groups’ professional competences.
In such context,this study aims at developing a set of evaluation indicators applicable to core competences of design students in our country, which will function as criteria for assessing students’ competitive advantages. It utilizes expert decision of Delphi Method to establish evaluation indicators, and converts “Delphi questionnaire with a consistency criterion reaching expert consensus” into structured questionnaire of empirical research so as to conduct verification and evaluation of quantitative questionnaires of northern, central and southern areas. In this way, this study will know students’ core competences and differences, provide a reference for relevant education units to carry out instruction effect assessment as well as course progress and content planning and adjusting, assist students in pre-service diagnosis, and narrow learning-practice gap to meet demands on industry talents. To verify suitability of research scale and structural model constructed in this study, statistical software SPSS 20.0 and SmartPLS is used for analysis and verification.
Findings show students with different backgrounds are significantly different in core competence. Analysis by average demonstrates students from central area perform best in core competence; students of design departments of national universities are significantly superior to those of private universities in terms of “creative thinking” and “ethical attitude” of key competence, but students from design departments of private universities have an obviously better practical operation ability compared with those from national universities. In case of differentiation by job attributes, national universities specialize in creativity R&;D while private universities focus on technology R&;D; they have respective advantages. With regard to model verification of indicators, analysis results reveal model in this study has a good reliability and validity, and path analysis results show the present structural model has an optimal adaptation. Above results indicate research model established in this study can provide a reference for future researchers and act as a foundation for future researches. Definite evaluation indicators developed here can be used as standards for related education units to assess students’ competences, as well as bases for the industry to choose talents and make appraisal in the future. These are major contributions of this study.
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