

作者(外文):LIN, YI-TING
主題關鍵詞:女性就業貧窮所得分配women's Employmentpovertyincome distribution
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The increasing female labor participation rate in Taiwan has drawn a lot of attention both academically and practically. The objective of this study is to move the focus away from studying the pattern and the factors on female employment rate and direct it toward measuring the consequences of the increasing female employment on household economic wellbeing in Taiwan. Using the "rank-preserving" simulation method on 1980, 1989, 1999, 2007 and 2013 Family Income and Expenditure Survey, this study examined the impact of women's market income on household poverty rate and household income distribution. This study also estimated the impact on poverty of moving towards the target of 60 percent of the working-age female into work.
The findings indicate that women’s market income have played important role in poverty reduction and changes in the level and distribution of female income have also reduced the incidence of poverty and family income inequality. This study also shows that growth of female employment does not necessarily result in lower poverty rate and the extent to which the growth of employment on poverty depends on where in the overall income distribution the newly employed women end up.
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