

主題關鍵詞:城鄉差距偏差行為一般化緊張理論接觸偏差同儕認同非法手段urban-rural differencesdelinquencygeneral strain theoryassociation with delinquent peersidentification of illegal means
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Comparison of Junior High School Students’ Delinquency between Urban and Rural Areas in Taiwan:
To Analyze Robert Agnew's General Strain Theory
This study is theoretically based on general strain theory, to understand the variety of intense pressures on the youth in their living environment and the impact of their deviant behaviors. Total of fifteen schools were selected randomly – seven schools in urban area and eight schools in rural area in Tainan, junior high school students as the research object. Stratified cluster random sampling was used to collect the students. The foundlings of this study are as follows: (1) comparing to rural areas, students in urban areas are more likely to engage in deviant behaviors when face strain factors, (2) when students in rural areas face more strain factors, they are more likely to use an indirect way in react to deviant behaviors and through contacts deviation peer or identity illegal means, and (3) the impact of illegal means recognition on the delinquent development between students in rural and urban is not different. Strain factors have direct effects on the development of junior high school students’ delinquency, and junior high school students are more likely to engage in deviant behaviors when frequently in contact with delinquent peers.
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