

題名:證照持有及學校類型對大學畢業生薪資所得之影響 - 以反事實分析
作者(外文):Po-Wen Cheng
主題關鍵詞:反事實分析傾向分數配對法證照學校類型薪資所得Counterfactual AnalysisPropensity Score MatchingCertificationsSchool TypesWages
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本研究目的旨在探討大學畢業生持有證照及就讀不同學校類型對於薪資所得之影響性。本研究應用傾向分數配對法(Propensity Score Matching, PSM)估算實驗平均處理效果(Average Treatment Effect on the Treated, ATT)。本研究分析樣本取自「臺灣高等教育整合資料庫」之94學年度大學畢業後一年問卷調查資料,有效樣本數共計32,296人。本研究發現:( 一)持有證照與無證照之大學畢業生,其影響薪資所得之個體基準條件具有差異性;(二)當控制了影響薪資所得之個體基準線差異性之後,證照對薪資所得不全然有正面影響, 亦可能有反效果現象;(三)證照張數對於薪資所得具有不同之累積效應,亦即張數愈多薪資所得不一定愈高;(四)證照等級對於薪資所得具有正面影響,高階證照相較於低階證照在提昇薪資所得擁有絕對之優勢;(五)學校類型具有影響薪資所得效應,普通大學提高薪資所得效應比技職校院來的明顯;(六)持有證照條件之下,普通大學在薪資所得效應仍顯著高於技職校院。
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of certificate holders and various school types on the wages of university graduate students. In this study, it tended to use the Propensity Score Matching method (PSM) to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT). All analyzed samples used in this study were drawn from a large national database, Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database (TIPED), and in addition, the subjects were chosen because they were just one year after graduation since 2005, wherein, a total of 32,296 valid samples were collected.
The major findings are as follows: (1) Among university graduate students, there are significant differences between the impacts of individual baselines on the wages of individuals with or without certificates; (2) When controlling the differences between the impacts of individual baselines on the wages, the certificate does not at all have a positive effect on the wages, it may have the negative effect instead; (3) The number of certificates has a different accumulative effect on the wages, that is, an increase in the number of certificates, it will not necessarily lead to higher wages; (4) The level of certificates has a positive impact on the wages, the higher level of certificates has an absolute advantage of increases with the wages; (5) The school type has a positive impact on the wages, that is, the general university graduates normally have higher wages than that of technological and vocational colleges and universities; (6) The wages of general university graduates are significantly higher than that of technological and vocational colleges and universities among certificate holders.
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