

作者(外文):Ping-Sen Chen
主題關鍵詞:全球化環境災害永續發展創新策略globalizationenvironmentdisastersustainable developmentinnovation strategy
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In recent years, the rural villages in Taiwan are affected by globalization, resulting in the loss of population and declined agricultural production. To actively seek the chance of survival, the rural life is in transition to compromise the changes of living environment. However, the regional development is still unable to effectively take into account the sustainability and conservation of environment, making it subject to incurred damages. Meanwhile, the severe climate change had triggered landslides and debris flows, and caused losses of life and property. The consequences imply the urgent need of considering both the environmental sustainability and the competitiveness all at once. Moreover, the contrary situations often appear to the rural sustainability and rural development in Taiwan, such as the examples of inappropriate leisure industry in the Cingjing Scenery Farm and Lushan Hot Spring area. When the heavy rainfall occurs, it usually causes the significant casualties. From this point, there are improvements about the rural sustainable development.
From the point of community disaster prevention, currently the safety refuge, shelters, and evacuation plans are based on the engineering approaches, mainly the "hardware" options. Only the community disaster drills and training are as the "software" to the disaster preventing. It has not yet consider the disaster response and prevention from the view point of regional development, making it impossible to effectively avoid the environmental impacts to the rural villages. Therefore, the improper regional development has made the rural villages not only prone to the natural hazards, but also reduced the efforts of community disaster prevention. The way of "piecemeal" approach government used has shown that the lack of efficiency to the disaster prevention systems of rural communities. This issue is the subject of this study.
The main purpose of this study is to find a strategy of sustainable development for Taiwan rural areas in response to the globalization. The first step is to understand the process of social capital and the content of disaster prevention, in order to facilitate an innovative strategy of sustainable development. Literature review was done for subjects of social capital, rural development, and environmental hazards. From the theories, the hypothesis about the disaster prevention-based social capital strategy was developed from the researches of social capital of rural communities in Taiwan (i.e., norm, trust, and networks). The cases of rural village revitalization conducted by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau were applied in this study. After statistical analysis, including the distribution check, mean and standard deviation estimates, 44 communities were chosen in the final evaluation steps. In this study, the opinions and demands from the government, general public, and experts had been analyzed using the descriptive statistics and bivariate comparison. The change of social capital was discussed and the issues of environmental sustainability and disaster prevention were summarized and compared with the data of fieldworks. The interviews using semi-structural mode were conducted among 21 experts, 8 from the industries, 6 from the government, and 7 from the academics. The discussion topics were related to "the relationship between the social capital disaster prevention and the sustainable development." The results from the discussion had become the core of the research findings and the basis of theory of disaster prevention-based social capital strategy. The fieldworks applied the moderate model of participation-and-observation method, to understand the needs of local residents and collect information without intervention to community daily life. The observation log was obtained by talks and interviews with the local residents. As being a third-party observer, the inner needs from the community was represented as concepts and thoughts about the disaster prevention-based social capital. Finally, five components of internal rules, external regulations, active trust, passive trust, and disaster prevention network, became the basis (potential elements) of hypothesis of disaster prevention-based social capital.
To understand the priority of basic elements, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used in analysis to the proposed 5 components and 2 assumptions. Followed by talks and discussion, the variables and content of a questionnaire was determined. The 8 categories of "plan of community disaster prevention", "Regional regulations of disaster prevention", "environmental resources and conservation", "disaster prevention fund and land use", "disaster prevention education and drills", "disaster prevention and industry", "living space for disaster prevention", and "culture and disaster" and 72 questions were in the survey. The survey (in this study a total of 437 valid questionnaires) was conducted to the residents and representative officials of communities where are prone to the natural disasters. After validation, the results were adopted in the final innovative strategy.
In summary, the discussion among the residents, government, and experts about the social capital change, in terms of community development, was the basis of the proposed hypothesis. A relationship model of disaster prevention-based social capital was developed at the end. The innovation strategy of sustainable development in the rural areas was then constructed. The strategy includes the relationship and concepts of rural social capital and environmental disasters. The new concept of innovative disaster prevention for rural villages had evolved to the new strategies of sustainable development. The strategy also considered the interactions of local culture, disaster prevention, and sustainable development.
The proposed strategy, under the needs of rural development, constructed the framework of disaster prevention for local communities and government. Besides, the disaster prevention network model derived from the disaster prevention-based social capital had shown that the government needs to enhance its disaster response and prevention plans for rural areas. The findings and conclusion from this study can be used for strategies of sustainable development in the rural areas, toward to safe, prosperous, and disaster resistant communities in response to globalization and climate changes.
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