

作者(外文):Tsai June-Long
主題關鍵詞:生命意義感民間信仰迷思感悟歷程自我超越個案研究meaning of lifemyth of folk beliefinspiration courseself-transcendencecase study
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This study aims to explore case subjects’ pursuit and transcendence of meaning of life before and after undertaking folk beliefs. To achieve above research purpose, this study made a case study on Fenfen and used document analysis, in-depth interview and participant observation method to collect and analyze the required data. In addition, to make it comprehensive, Meimei and Lili were invited as common participants. After data collection, it firstly analyzed case subjects’ life story to get the transformation course of meaning of life. Secondly, it took existentialistic and humanistic perspectives to explore the factors affecting case subjects’ meanings of life. It adopted the opinions of Frankl, Sartre and May for existentialism and opinions of Rogers and Maslow for humanism as the theory basis so as to understand causes, myths and behaviors of the subjects engaged in folk belief activity. Besides, it explored the inspiration process of meaning of life in the course of the subjects in folk belief and their transcendence behavior of meaning of life in the course from their myth to inspiration. Lastly, it analyzed how the subjects faced the dilemma of losing meaning of life and transferred dilemma and endowed new life meaning after inspiration of folk belief.
The research results showed that due to the unsmooth marriage and difficult family economy without support of married woman’s parents, the subjects got in touch with O teacher and fortune-teller under a helpless situation. Due to their trust to O teacher and fortune-teller, the life meaning source was changed. Secondly, due to the overdependence on folk belief, it caused myth situation on the subjects who failed until their husband was dead. Thirdly, as to the subjects with inspiration on folk belief, they once lost meaning of life but was inspired from encouraging lectures and saved money to buy a house with two daughters and worked as volunteers in oo children family and finally found new direction in life meaning.
Finally, according to above conclusions, this study put forward suggestions and expected social people to think and treat folk belief activities with a rational attitude. It also provided civilian and community-based professional consultation and guidance thinking directions and also provided reference for researchers willing to conduct folk belief activity that can affect life meaning and self realization.
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