

作者(外文):Lee, Hsiu-Feng
主題關鍵詞:女性高中校長性別權力關係後結構女性主義female senior high school principalsgender power relationshipfeminist poststructuralism
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The gender power relationship in the leadership of female senior high school principals
Lee, Hsiu-feng
Gender ideology is not explicit but agreed by most of people in the society. The impact of gender ideology on the leadership of female senior high school principals was not clear and the factors affecting the practice of the leadership also need to be further elucidated. Based on feminist poststructralism, a case study was conducted to analyze the leadership between gender and power in three female senior high school principals. The main findings of this study include:
(1)There is more than one type of leadership in the female senior high school principals.
(2)Leading in a tender way was observed similar in female principles.
(3)Inquiries were frequently used in tender communication.
(4)On the way to become a principal, the patriarchy was internalized and transformed.
(5)The subjectivity of leadership practice established by discourse practice in the female senior high school principals was found.
(6)The school, the institutes and the society affected the leadership practice of female high senior principles.
(7)A close relationship among text discourse, subjective interaction, and social practice was found.
(8)This study contributed to the theory base, research methods, and study results of the leadership in female principals.
To improve the leadership, female principals were recommended to continuously intensify their professional capacity, establish their professional society and supporting network, and solidify the consciousness of gender equity. Furthermore, future studies regarding the leadership of female principals can strengthen the theory of feminist poststructuralism and take different subject/object roles in the analysis.
【Keywords】female senior high school principals、gnder power relationship、feminist poststructralism
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