

作者:黃彥文 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:課程美學美感經驗互為主體性共鳴的課程美感經驗Aesthetic of Curriculum, ,Aesthetic experienceInter-subjectivityCurriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance
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然而,回顧當前許多「課程美學的研究」往往將課程教學視為「外在的客體」進行「理性標準」的藝術鑑賞與批評,或過度偏重於「教師主觀的美學聲音」之敘說,這些研究可能都忽視了「課程美學」其實還具有一種「互為主體性」的共鳴之美的可能。有鑑於此,本論文旨在藉由「共鳴」提供「課程美學」一種「互為主體性」的「共鳴課程美感經驗」之研究新視野─ 情感層面的「共感性」、實踐層面的「協同性」、認知層面的「反身性」作為研究架構;並採用「擴展性個案研究方法」(extended case method),藉由個案場域的親身體驗,進以描繪「共鳴的課程美感經驗」實際呈現出來的現象,並詮釋其背後蘊涵的課程美學意義。本研究的發現與討論如下:
Different from Curriculum theory dominated by Tyler’s rationale traditionally, aesthetic inquiries in curriculum studies have emerged frequently in Taiwan for several years. In spite of there are different interests and focuses among these researches, there are more and more scholars use the term of “Aesthetic of Curriculum” to conclude them.
However, reviewing several contemporary researches of “Aesthetic of Curriculum”, many of them often regard curriculum as objective “artifacts” for art judging and critiquing with rational standards still, and someone mainly care about the narrative story of teacher’s subjective aesthetic voice. Both of two ignore a resonated possibility of “inter-subjectivity” for the inquiry of “Aesthetic of Curriculum”. In view of these, the attempts of this study are as follows: At first, I will state an alternative perspective of “Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” and develop its features as a research framework(Sensus-communis, Synergy, and Reflexivity). Second, I will adapt extended case study as method to inquiry the possibility of Resonance practicing in reality field of life world. Finally, theory and findings would be dialectical discussed for arguing the meanings of “Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” in research methodology of “Aesthetic of Curriculum”. After empirical research, this study concludes three findings and insights as follows:
1.“Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” could actually become possibility language for inter-subjectivity of“Aesthetic of Curriculum”.
1.1. “Sensus-communis” embodied Resonance as the montage of bodily-images.
1.2. “Synergy” symbolizes Resonance as a heteroglossia of extemporized music.
1.3. “Reflexivity” discloses Resonance through responses to the call from strangers.
2.“Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” can indeed extended the vision of research methodology of “Aesthetic of Curriculum”.
2.1 “Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” creates a non-verbal language for curriculum aesthetic inquiry.
2.2 “Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” opens the fusion of horizons within the movement of in-between.
2.3 “Curriculum Aesthetic Experience of Resonance” conceals life-caring within relationship of “educatiol love”.
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