

作者(外文):Li, Te-Chuan
主題關鍵詞:生態城市都市治理比較研究Eco-cityUrban GovernanceComparative Study
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Urban areas account for less than 2 percent of the surface of the Earth, but more than two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions and more than 70% of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, the city is the key to solving the problems of global warming and environmental change. Since 2005, the eco-city has gradually become a mainstream feature of the world's urban planning and development, and a considerable number of eco-cities around the world have been compared. However, a comparative analysis within an interpretive framework that reveals why some eco-cities are more successful than others is still lacking.
This study puts forth a "research hypothesis" that the move toward an effective eco-cities proceeds from the concept of an ecological city, through planning and governance practices within a dynamic process of social actors’ interactive networks; and an "analytical framework" of governance network which integrates ‘itinerant governance logic’ and ‘participatory governance approach’. This comparative study explores the key factors of successful eco-city governance by comparing domestic and international cases with empirical investigation and by analyzing inductive inferences within cross-scales (from global to local) networks governance.
These comparative cases of Stockholm city in Sweden and Taipei city, New Taipei city, Keelung city and Kaohsiung city in Taiwan reveal that the managerial governance model that best captures the effectiveness of governance but the populist governance model that worst captures the effectiveness of governance. Additionally, this study verifies the "research hypothesis" empirically and the "analytical framework" helps to elucidate the interactions among the governance logic, governance approach and governance effectiveness, as well as the characteristics and causes of "good governance" of an eco-city. Furthermore, the "analytical framework" provides a more comprehensive approach for actors self-learning to improve urban governance practices, because the "analytical framework" is an interactive network and an open system that help actors absorb, analyze and learn external resources. This "analytical framework" can be used to accelerate collective consensus of eco-city governance as a "learning framework" of social innovation, and act as a "planning framework" for the implementation of the strategy of eco-city governance. Moreover, it can be used as a "governance framework" to facilitate good governance in terms of other aspects.
The results of the study are summarized as follows. An eco-city should be the basic cluster in which humans coexist with the environment leading by environmental civilization to transform material civilization in pursuit of economic activation, social harmony and environmental sustainability with local characteristics, urban ecosystem and healthy lifestyle. Toward eco-city governance is a complete process with desperate challenges from the concept to the practice of glocalization, which is embedded in a specific, dynamic and spatio-temporal environment by actors’ interactive process within a complex political, economic and social context.
This dissertation contributes empirical research that confirms a research hypotheses and analytical framework for realizing in practices of eco-city governance. This study proposes a theoretical framework for the successful eco-city governance and argues that first, an integrated governance framework of itinerant logic and participatory approaches of governance must be constructed; secondly, the vertical and horizontal governance strategies across scales and networks must be developed; thirdly, governance strategies should strengthen the connections of governance plans (things) and governance networks (actors) with social practices; finally, it should build up a continuously review mechanism of dynamic adjustment and feedback concepts, framework and strategies of eco-city governance in order to enhance the effectiveness of governance as a fit model.
Finally, the policy implications of the research findings include a total of 17 recommendations concerning the main issues that must be considered in eco-city planning and governance in Taiwan and in Taipei based on the national, metropolitan and city scales in Taiwan. The conclusions of this study indicate that the "planning" of an eco-city must focus on strengthening ties between planning and social practice, and the "governance" of an eco-city should take a holistic approach toward economic activation, social harmony and environmental sustainability with local characteristics within a healthy urban ecosystem and lifestyle.
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