

作者(外文):Ching-Kai Shen
主題關鍵詞:年齡-時期-世代分析法投票抉擇意識型態臺灣人認同總統選舉Age-Period-Cohort AnalysisVoting ChoiceIdeologyTaiwanese IdentityPresidential Election
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This study uses 4 times'' tabulate data of presidential election during 2000-2012 to analyze the relation between electorates'' "Taiwanese identity" and "voting selection" in different age, time, and century. In order to know the reason why there is not only increase or decrease linearity relation formed between electorates'' "Taiwanese identity" and "voting for democratic progressive party " under the effect of "age-time-century", we start from the viewpoint that the electorates are affected by the “Chinese or Taiwanese national ideology", divide all electorates into two groups: the electorates of "Chinese national ideology" and the electorates of "Taiwanese national ideology", analyze their voting performance, and then find out that under the time change, these two types of electorates'' "Taiwanese identity" can''t explain the situation of voting selection. The conclusion of this study is: In Taiwanese electorates'' voting performance, because influenced by different understanding of "Chinese or Taiwanese national ideology" ,the "Taiwanese identity" can''t affect the voting selection anymore, because of this, electorates'' "Taiwanese identity" can''t forms stable relation of "corresponding rise” with "voting for DPP".
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