

作者(外文):Huei-Ying Shiu
主題關鍵詞:人道援助自然災害國際人道法國際環境法國際人權法humanitarian assistancenatural disasterinternational humanitarian lawinternational environmental lawinternational human rights law
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檢視自然災害之國際人道援助法制發展歷史脈絡,自1927年國際災害救援聯盟(International Relief Union)研議失敗後,歷經2004年南亞海嘯、2010年海地地震、2011年日本海嘯、2015年尼泊爾大地震等震驚世界之災難,迄今仍僅有1998年坦佩雷公約(Tampere Convention)為唯一關於災害之全球公約。相對於貿易、戰爭等事務,國際法於法學理論及國際公約均有蓬勃發展,自然災害於國際法迄今尚未形成獨立學門。傳統上,各國主權以「不干涉原則」為主軸發展,原則上各國內國事務由各國自行處理,其他國家不得干預。因自然災害發生,受災國家的主權是否應某程度受到限縮,以提供受自然災害影響的人民權利得以保障、國際間針對受自然災害影響人民是否有國際合作義務,目前國際法均不明確。
Natural disasters are devastating and affect multiple countries. The Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred on December 24, 2004 killing 165,708 people and affected 532,898 people. Its affect extended to twelve countries in South Asia and East Africa. After the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the international law scholars and practitioners begin to reflect the role of international law in the event of natural disasters. Frustration mounts over relief effort after the Japanese Tohoku earthquake in 2011 and the Nepal earthquake in 2015 further deepen the concern for the development of international norms applicable in the field of natural disasters.
This dissertation discusses the possibility and desirability of the establishment of international humanitarian assistance norms in the field of natural disasters. It analyzes how the current multilateral protection of persons in the event of disasters has limitations. It also provides reasons for the global community to initiate a Framework Convention on International Humanitarian Assistance in Natural Disasters as a vehicle to enhance disaster resilience and elaborates trends and challenges. The dissertation suggests certain elements of natural disaster relief mechanism should be included under the Framework Convention on International Humanitarian Assistance in Natural Disasters. It argues that Framework Convention on International Humanitarian Assistance in Natural Disasters should be formulated by international community is adequate and necessary based on two perspectives. The first perspective is the growing disaster risks and the corresponding international trends. For example, the EU countries have noticed that there should be cooperation in the field of natural disasters, and the ASEAN countries and the Caribbean countries even develop binding legal framework for enhancing cooperation. The second perspective is the theoretical foundation of the establishment of international humanitarian assistance norms in the field of natural disasters. It argues that strengthening global cooperation through Framework Convention on International Humanitarian Assistance in Natural Disasters to enhance natural disaster resilience have sound foundations based on human development and human rights. International humanitarian assistance norms in the field of natural disasters is an emerging issue for the international legal academy to further explore. The way of shaping International humanitarian assistance norms still needs much discussion and debate. Since current multilateral protection of persons in the event of disasters have their limitations, it is a good time to consider the desirability and importance of global cooperation and to recognize the possibility of having global natural disaster relief mechanisms. This dissertation is of the view that a proper risk management for natural disaster will enhance human development in the long run and attain the goal of sustainable development for the international community.
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