

作者(外文):Yueh-Chuan Luo
主題關鍵詞:克己努力拚搏努力自在努力順從努力安份努力無愧努力the effort of self-restraintthe effort of strugglethe effort of carefreethe effort of obediencethe effort to behave oneselfthe effort of no regrets
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本研究中,作者將「努力」放置在文化的脈絡中,以歷程觀來研究華人的努力。研究一為質性研究,係根據26位受訪者的敘說資料建構華人的努力階層模式。此一模式將華人的努力分成兩條路線,一條是採取「自我發展取向」的努力,另一條則是採取「人際義務取向」的努力。研究二A以713位分佈於青年期後期至成人期的受試者,以問卷調查法蒐集資料,以自行建構的「自我發展取向」以及「人際義務取向」的努力量表從事研究。結果顯示:1.「拚搏努力」的發展時機比「克己努力」要晚,「自在努力」的發展時機比「拚搏努力」要晚。2.「安份努力」的發展時機比「順從努力」要晚,「無愧努力」的發展時機比「安份努力」要晚。研究二B探討不同取向的努力與心理適應之關聯與轉化機制。結果顯示:自在與無愧努力有較好的正向情緒適應;克己與順從努力卻有較差的情緒適應。研究二C探討「盡人事」與「知天命」階段的努力,背後是否受到不同文化信念的影響?結果顯示:1.「克己努力」有更多的宿命主義、「拚搏努力」有更強的主控命運,「自在努力」則有更多的協商命運。2. 「順從努力」有更多的宿命主義、「安份努力」有更強的美德信念,「無愧努力」則有更多的主控命運。最後,作者從文化觀點討論所建構的理論在文化上的意義與貢獻,並提出未來進一步的研究建議。
This paper aims to take a process perspective in the cultural context to study Chinese effort making. Study 1 employed the qualitative method in which 26 participants were interviewed in order to development the model of Chinese effort making (MCEM). The results indicated that two orientations of the MCEM formation exist: “self-development” and “human-obligation.” Study 2a then sought to development the effort scales on “self-development” and “human-obligation” with 713 subjects ranging from 16 to 60 years of age. The results showed: 1) “The effort of self-restraint” appeared later in stage than “the effort of struggle,” while “the effort of carefree” appeared later than “the effort of struggle,” 2) “The effort to behave oneself” appeared later than “the effort of obedience,” while “the effort of no regrets” appeared later than “the effort to behave oneself.” Study 2b explored the relationship between the two orientations of effort and emotional adaptation and the mechanic of transformation. The results showed that “the effort of carefree” and “the effort of no regrets” exhibited stronger correlation with positive adaptation, while “the effort of obedience” and “The effort of self-restraint” showed stronger positive correlation with negative adaptation. Study 2c then explored the relationship between the two stages of effort making (“to do your best” / “to know the decrees of heaven”) and the belief in fate. The results showed: 1) “The effort of self-restraint” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with the belief in fatalism, “the effort of struggle” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with agency fate, while “the effort of carefree” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with negotiable fate; 2) “The effort of obedience” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with the belief in fatalism, “the effort to behave oneself” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with the belief in merit, while “the effort of no regrets” demonstrated a more significant positive relationship with agency fate. Finally, we discussed the cultural meaning behind the model of Chinese effort making (MCEM).
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