

作者(外文):Hui-Ping Chen
主題關鍵詞:太陽光電再生能源使用者社會技術網絡公民參與PhotovoltaicRenewable EnergyUserSocio-Technical NetworksPublic Participation
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This study primarily aims to examine the historical progress of converting and including photovoltaics technology into the existing energy structure, power system, and social world. Through this examination, I investigated how relevant actors (particularly lay users) in different stages worked together to configure the unique appearances of photovoltaic applications. I used multi-site ethnography and depicted the local use of photovoltaics in Taiwan through secondary literature analysis, field observation, in-depth interviews, and other data collection channels.
Using “multiple socio-technical networks” as the analytical framework, the study first suggests that the development of domestic photovoltaics can be divided into three major historical processes—off-grid testing, demonstration, and popular applications—and that these processes form a structural connotation that is correlated but different in terms of purpose. Second, the study considers the aqua solar farm project in Pingtung County as an example to elaborate on the experiences of local governance and public participation in green technology, thereby demonstrating the stages of implementing photovoltaic applications. In brief, the proposed concept of multiple socio-technical networks in the study mainly involves two levels. The first level is the historical period that runs throughout technological development, and the second level is the staging process that moves toward local use. The results show that the photovoltaic socio-technical networks in Taiwan are not only multiple and disruptive but also more like a multilevel network containing power relations. Based on this, the study argues that to expand the local use of photovoltaics, we must deal with the power relations among users, promotional organizations, new/old energy industries, and local/central governments to gain an understanding of the practical problems and system constraints faced by public participation in technological development.
In conclusion, the main contributions of this study are as follows. (1) The theoretical aspect: starting from the local use of socio-technical networks, the study integrates the macroscopic structure and microscopic actions of photovoltaic development and notes the importance of technology usage and public participation. (2) The experience aspect: through empirical investigation on photovoltaic development in Taiwan, the study proposes the concept of appropriate technology as well as practical reference. (3) The policy aspect: the study also proposes recommendations for domestic policies on renewable energy and clarifies that in order to promote the popularization of photovoltaic systems, the government must focus on user experience and advance planning and design that encourage greater public participation. This could serve as a policy approach toward the democratization of energy.
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