

主題關鍵詞:文化符碼文化銘刻女性身體cultural codecultural inscriptionfemale body
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第陸章 「結論」。回顧整篇論文探討作為文化符碼的女性身體,如何發生延異。探討符號學的轉喻與文化符碼延異的相關連,探究研究者與當代藝術創作使用文化符碼創作所帶出的意義。
This dissertation studies how the “female body” in the historiography of both art theory and art practice presents the inscription of body in contemporary era. How do the historical theories of differences between male and female viewpoints connect to the female body of contemporary art? Since the researcher is also the creator of art works dealing with female body issues, both the thesis and the art works explored issues of the dialectics between materialism and anti-materialism, identity recognition, political power, and created image. This study also investigates the connection between the creators and the codes of body inscription, as to how the art works reflect cultural concerns and societal phenomena, while exploring what kind of cultural codes are being extended for art works.
This study focuses mainly on how the body image presents its own connotation in the visual art. In the discussion constellated by “gaze”, it analyses how men often see and define “female body” from the historical points of view. Regarding the dominance of men's viewpoints and power, as well as the debates and confinements initiated by the gaze, the “female body” will be deconstructed and reconstructed from women’s expressions.
This study is divided into six chapters. Chapter One is “Introduction”, explicating the subject and purpose of the research, including issues of thesis discussion, literature review, research method, and research scope and design. In this chapter, I lay up the basic structure of thesis and the key points that the dissertation would like to explore and examine. .Chapter Two is “Historical/ Theoretical Female Body”. It focuses on the “gaze” in the cultural inscription, expressing the important impacts that these viewpoints have on woman’s cultural body from post-modern women theorists’ responses and viewpoints to the “woman definition” from the men’s culture. Chapter Three, “Female Body’s Image and the Body Inscription,” discusses the development of the art of female body, the aspects of the cultural inscription that the male creators expressed in creating the female body, as well as how the female creators cum readers find the location and content in the cultural inscription when re-reading and re-making the male content. It also focuses on the body description in cultural inscription, such as writings of Bourdieu, Foucault, and Butler, to discuss the political domain and power that the body involved in and henceforth developing codes of being both limited and inscripted.
Chapter Four, “Body Image of Contemporary Cultural Inscription”, discusses the body images of contemporary cultural inscription from the perspectives of reification and counter-objectification, identity recognition, power politics, and paradigmatic iconography formation in the images of female body.
Chapter Five is titled- “Body Images and Creative Strategies in the Art Works of the Researcher”. Looking closely at seven pieces/series of my art works since 2003 in terms of motivation, description and interpretation, while integrating both theoretical discourses and creative praxis, this chapter positions and examines my own art works in terms of three primers within the frameworks of female body inscription. They are (1) Subversive strategies of presentation by reverting and replacing the intangible metaphor with concrete materiality; (2) Inscribing female body with visible invisibility in the unrepresentable space across both Eastern and Western body of tropes; (3) Embossing and emboldening the inscription of female body image against the indoctrination process of gendered discourses.
Chapter Six, Conclusion- Extension of the Cultural Codes. This chapter concludes the thesis by recontextulaizing the cultural codes of female body while raising the question as how to extend both the utilization and critique of cultural codes in the artistic creation by women artists. It discusses metaphorization and intertextuality of semiotics, connection between the extension of cultural codes and the new meanings brought forth by the researcher and her contemporary women artists using cultural codes for creation.
Through studying theories related to the creation of art works by women artists, this thesis maps out the art creation theories of contemporary artists in general while positioning the researcher within the theoretical coordinates and coevolution of the art of body inscription in particular. It compares the discussions between the male and female theorists focusing on how the creator can mobilize the power of the visual art to surpass the gaze of the female body. Further, it outlines the issues of female body raised by post-modern feminism and underscores the expression and discussion centering on the development of the inscription of female body. Through out the research, the dissertation compares and finds the places for the researcher to participate in. In addition, the study observes the body image and phenomenon from the intertextuality of culture and the art, finds out and explains how to extend the female body as the cultural code.
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