

作者(外文):Yu-Yuan Chen
主題關鍵詞:高齡學習者老化態度社會支持社會控制幸福感Elderly LearnersAging AttitudesSocial SupportSocial ControlWell-Being
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The main purposes of this study were to explore the relationship among aging attitude, social support, social control and well-being of elderly learners. And to make specific recommendations based on findings in order to provide
the relevant government departments, educational institutions and senior citizens aged learners research and future reference. To achieve this object, the present study used questionnaires, the use of a questionnaire survey administered in the field to collect empirical data as a basis for discussion of the analysis, supplemented collect relevant literature data, to be carried out are summarized, discussed and analyzed.
According to the research purpose, this study presents the following conclusions:
1.The elderly Learners aging attitude well, belong extent in which "cognitive
aging" high, followed by "aging emotion."
2.The elderly learners social support for well, belong on the extent, among
"emotional support" the highest experience level.
3.The elderly learners social control well, moderate degree, in which "internal
control" high, followed by "external control."
4.The elderly learners well-being well,belong extent in which the "positive
affect" high, followed by "life satisfaction", and finally to "negative
5.The elderly learners aging attitudes, social support, social control and
well-being are positively correlated.
6.The elderly learners background variables, aging attitude, social support and
social control on happiness have predictive power and social control of
intervening variables.
Based on the above findings, this study presents specific recommendations for the relevant government departments, educational institutions and senior citizens aged learners and future research.
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