

主題關鍵詞:社區日間照顧中心高齡者正向心理課程心理健康改善成效community day care centersenior citizenspositive psychology programmental healthbeneficial effects
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This study discusses the beneficial effects of a positive psychology program on the mental health of senior citizens at community daycare centers. Employing qualitative research methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted and supplemented by participant observation. Nine participants of the positive psychology program’s learning activities were selected as interview subjects to examine various aspects, such as lifestyle characteristics, educational history and the program’s mental health benefits. The information collected was analyzed to establish research findings. Moreover, a short version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-SF) was used on the participants both before and after their exposure to the aforementioned program. The results were then matched against the interview findings to determine the effects that the program intervention had on the subjects’ mental health.
In view of the study objective, the following insights are concluded:
A.The key factors affecting the physical and mental conditions of the seniors at daycare centers are the emotional impacts resulting from the impairment of body functions and the difficulty to adapt psychologically; both of which in turn cause mental health issues.
B.Negative family relationship is an influential factor that triggers the emotions of seniors at daycare centers.
C.The senior daycare participants experienced an initial curiosity toward the positive psychology program and showed a shift in their attitudes: from resistance to deepening engagement.
D.Both fellowship and the leader’s support are the catalytic forces that engaged senior daycare participants in the positive psychology program.
E.Physical limitations, cognitive functions and mental attitude are major limitations that hinder participation in the positive psychology program.
F.The positive psychology program can substantially improve senior daycare participants’ mental health with positive psychological enhancement, increased capacity of cognitive functions, upgrading of the quality of life and generation of social support.
G.Assessment results of the Geriatric Depression Scale show that the positive psychology program has beneficial effects on the mental health of senior daycare participants.
Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations are made:
A.For government authorities:
1.Enhance seniors’ psychological wellness by perfecting the geriatric mental health policies.
2.Pay particular attention to senior citizens’ mental and emotional issues, and intervene accordingly.
3.Reinvigorate old age through lifelong learning activities.
B.For community day-care practices:
1.Trigger positive emotions in senior citizens to foster positive mental attributes.
2.Create a mentally beneficial, supportive environment where seniors enjoy freedom of choice and feel that they are in control.
3.Help the seniors to fulfill their health potential with needs met in a proactive, timely manner.
4.Planning of programs must take into consideration the educational needs of senior citizens, with particular emphasis placed on individual differences.
5.Psychology-related learning activities should be arranged for senior citizens to cultivate positive life experiences.
C.For senior citizens:
1.Develop a positive mindset and face old age with a positive attitude.
2.Pursue intentional activities that trigger positive emotions.
3.Boost spiritual health and ponder the meaning of life.
D.Recommendations for future research:
1.Expand the selection of subjects and the scope of study to investigate the mental health benefits of positive psychology programs.
2.Adopt different paradigms and viewpoints for more thorough comparisons and deeper inquiries.
3.From a holistic perspective, devise a positive emotions scale for seniors to further deepen and broaden the scope of study.
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