

主題關鍵詞:高齡教學角色知覺老化態度成人教育學Senior EducationRole-awarenessAttitude towards AgingAndrogogy
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Teachers from senior learning centers, elderly universities, elderly colleges, and community colleges are subjects of the present study. This study aims at: 1. discovering the role-awareness, attitude towards aging and teaching strategies of teachers in senior education as well as their differences; 2. exploring the correlations between the role-awareness, attitude towards aging, and teaching strategies of teachers in senior education; 3. investigating the predictive power of the role-awareness, attitude towards aging, and teaching strategies of teachers in senior education. Profoundly, we will offer some feasible suggestions to the future practitioners, course designers, and researchers of senior education as a reference and empirical evidence.
To achieve the above-mentioned research purposes, we adopted a quantitative questionnaire survey method to conduct this research. We submitted 1000 questionnaires in total, and we received 670 back with a recovery rate of 67%. In the present study, we conducted descriptive statistical analysis, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis to further analyze our quantitative data for some discussion to verify the hypothesis of this study.
The research results revealed that:
1. Teachers in senior education greatly perceived themselves as atmosphere facilitators. They barely perceived themselves as knowledge transmitters.
2. Generally speaking, their attitude towards aging were acceptable. They had a relatively high score in the section of physiological conditions and appearance, but they had the lowest score for the section of intelligence and development.
3. For teaching strategies, teachers in senior education performed the best for creating an appropriate learning environment, but they scored poorly for incorporate multiple assessment for students’ learning outcomes.
4. For the role-awareness, most teachers aged between 61 to 70 and well-educated with three to five years of teaching experiences, and from senior learning centers performed better.
5. Regarding the attitude towards aging, males, ones with secondary educational level, students aged below 75, and senior teachers from elderly universities behaved better.
6. Female teachers, who aged between 61 to 70, ones having master degrees, ones whose students were 65 to 75, ones who have 3 to 5 years of teaching experiences, and senior teachers from senior learning centers utilized their teaching strategies better.
7. The role-awareness, attitude towards aging, and teaching strategies of teachers in senior education who attended the training program are all significantly better than ones who did not attend the program.
8. Teachers with more positive attitude towards aging would have stronger their role-awareness as a teacher as well as further benefit and enhance their teaching strategies.
9. If the teachers in senior education have more positive attitude towards aging, they would have relatively higher role-awareness which might further enhance the application of their teaching strategies.
10. Attending this training program may raise the role-awareness of teachers in senior education and achieve their teaching strategies.
Based on the findings and summaries of the present study, we offered some feasible suggestions to program designers of senior education, senior educational institutes, teachers in senior education, and future researchers as a reference.
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