

主題關鍵詞:中國晚明耶穌會士瑪利亞瑪大勒納形象研究翻譯研究聖人行實Jesuits in the Late Ming ChinaMary MagdaleneImage StudiesTranslation StudiesSRXS (Shengren xingshi)
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Translation is an influential tool. As the Jesuits arrived in China in 1583, they translated to teach the Catholic faith to Chinese people. Publications of the Jesuits’ Chinese translation of the Catholic doctrine and hagiographical accounts were available to the Chinese readers in the early seventeenth century. In attending to both the Chinese literati and common people, the Jesuits downplayed traits that were discouraged and promoted those that were valued in Confucian China in their Chinese works.
The study concerns the images of Mary Magdalene trans-written by Alfonso Vagnone (1566-1640) in early seventeenth-century China. To study the images of the Magdalene, I focus on the account ‘de sancta Maria Magdalena,’ or SMM in Legenda Aurea, or LA and the first Chinese translation of the account of Mary Magdalene Magdalene, Maliya Madalena shengfu xingshi, or MMSX in Tianzhu shengjiao shengren xingshi 天主聖教聖人行實 (Biographies of Catholic saints), or SRXS hereafter (1629). The purpose of this study is two-fold. The first purpose is to bridge the study of Mary Magdalene in China with the Western Magdalenian scholarship. The second purpose is to contribute to the scholarship of SRXS with the study of MMSX from the perspective of translation.
Current scholarship of SRXS suggests that Jacobus de Voragine’s (c. 1230-1298) LA might be the source text of SRXS, however, disparities between SMM and MMSX abound. For one, LA offers models of repentance and deepens the Christian faith for the laity in Catholic Europe whereas SRXS introduces Catholicism and examples of saints to the late-Ming Chinese readers. Furthermore, disparities between Mary Magdalene and her Chinese persona demonstrate the transformation of the images of the Magdalene from her birthplace to the Middle Kingdom. In addition, the differences between MMSX and SMM lead to a discovery of an additional source text Vagnone referred to in compiling SRXS. Lastly, the discussion of Vagnone’s involvement in “translating” and “narrating” MMSX explains how translation rewrites and manipulates the images of the Magdalene in China. Close textual analysis and study of factors that influence the presentation of MMSX and publication of SRXS show that by trans-writing “the original,” Vagnone “rewrote” the images of the Magdalene and created acculturated images of Madalean to the Chinese readership.
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