

作者(外文):Wang, Hui Yu
主題關鍵詞:偏差行為經師角色人師角色導師角色導師注重學業導師注重整潔秩序Rasch模式階層卜瓦松模型deviant behaviorteachers' instruction roleteachers' guidance roleheadroom teachers roleachievement-oriented teachersdiscipline-oriented teachersRasch ModelHierarchical Poisson Regression Modeling
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The purposes of the study were to explore teacher roles including instruction role, guidance role and headroom teacher’s role, and to find out the effects of teacher roles on junior high school students' deviant behavior.
The data used in the analysis are from the nationally representative 2001–2003 Taiwan Education Panel Survey, including students’ questionnaire, students’ academic tests, parents’ questionnaire, and teachers’ questionnaire.
In study 1, data from a 2-wave panel (N = 20,055), tested in the 7th and 9th grades, were used to estimate a structural equation model. The model was used to compose a previously observed teacher’s instruction role (teaching engagement) and guidance role (guidance engagement) in wave 1.
In study 2, data also from a 2-wave panel (N=8,794), were to estimate a hierarchical Poisson regression model, in which independent variables were achievement-oriented headroom teacher role and discipline-oriented headroom teacher role, and dependent variable was students' deviant behavior.
The results indicate that teachers who devoted themselves in teaching and guiding students could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal for at least 2 years.
Also, both achievement-oriented and discipline-oriented headroom teachers could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal. Implications for current practice and future research are also discussed.
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