

作者:林玫君 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:服務學習反思生命態度混合方法研究驗證性因素分析Service-LearningReflectionLife AttitudeMix-Method ResearchConfirmatory Factor Analysis
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服務學習於高等教育中行之有年,是多元學習管道之一,其核心「反思」為服務學習成敗之指標,但國內目前尚無發展較完整之標準化評量,有鑒於此,子研究一依據Kolb提出的學習循環理論發展反思量表,以期達成:(1)瞭解學生參與服務學習的反思層次;(2)從學生的反思層次瞭解其服務學習的風格型態;(3)比較不同服務學習型態之成效。子研究二是採混合方法研究之嵌入式相關模式進行研究,自變項為服務學習反思對依變項生命態度之影響,並納入參與服務學習型態、參與服務學習時間、自我肯定(以上為控制變項) 之效應後,檢視反思與生命態度關係是否改變,特以釐清生命態度與反思之階層關係;並嵌入訪談之質性資料增加解釋觀點的完整性。
研究一結果顯示,服務學習反思量表四個分構面之Cronbach’s α係數為.85-.86間,總量表為.95;驗證性因素分析部分,模式項目評鑑結果具有良好適配度,顯示本量表內外模式品質兼備;經測量恆等性考驗後顯示不同群組之樣本間具有測量恆等性,可見本量表具有良好信效度。研究二重要發現如下:(1)「求意義的意志」受實踐經驗影響最大;(2)「存在盈實」受具體經驗影響最大;(3)「生命目的」受實踐經驗影響較大;(4)「生命控制」受到具體經驗和抽象概念兩者影響;(5)「苦難接納」主要受具體經驗影響;(6)「死亡接納」主要受具體經驗影響,深度訪談則發現服務學習的經驗引發的反思,與自身的兒時經驗、現階段生活面臨的困惑或自我生涯發展有關,透過經驗與經驗的聯結探索自我價值與自身的存在意義。
The purpose of this study is to develop and to examine the construct validity of the “service-learning reflection scale” for undergraduates based on Kolb’s learning theory. The study used SL reflection scale and the mix-method research to explore the relation between
reflection and life attitude of Frankl’s Logotherapy. In study one, CFA showed model index such as GFI, AGFI, NFI, RFI, IFI and CFI are above .90, RMSEA and RMR are below .05, as well as PGFI and PNFI are above .50 and the cross validation analysis in different groups are no significant differences. In study two, hierarchical regression analyses found out the main impact between SL reflection and life attitude. The in-depth interview results showed SL experiences lead to self-reflective related with personal experiences, state, problems and
career plan. The major findings are as follows: (a) the SL reflection scale’s Cronbach’s alpha values of the four subscales are from .85 to .86, and that of the total scale is .95. The results showed that the CFA and reliability analysis confirm the theoretical structure as well in study one; (b) SL experience is importance source for students which lead SL reflection can improve life attitude. Based on these results, this study provides some suggestions that could help the implementation of SL and could be a reference to future researchers.
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