

作者(外文):Yao, Fan-Zhi
主題關鍵詞:勞動彈性化中高齡非典型勞動者社會安全勞動安全安全彈性生命歷程labor flexibilitymiddle-age atypical workerssocial securitylabor securityflexicuitylife course
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The study aims to analyze the positioning of Taiwan employment security policy, exploring the employment process of atypical employed middle-age, constructing active-working social security network. The study discussed the viewpoint of constructivism and the actual system in two phases; the first phase is to conduct the interview with atypical employed middle-aged and older adults to gather data and the second phase is to exchange opinions with experts on the data.
According to the result of the interview, the life course of atypical employed middle-age can be described in the types of returning to work from family, being compelled from regular work, and actively leaving from work; in addition, one may experience workplace isolation, internal insecurity, external insecurity, and other policy risk from the leave. From the governmental perspective, the problem of Taiwan labor policy is the lack of integration, as the result, the workplace returning policy fails to align with the reality. The study probes in the concept of labor security, constructing the social security system integrating economic safety, labor participation, and family welfare, developing social security network covering individual life history with designs of supplementary, supportive, integrative, and sustainable.
The result of the study points out that the middle-age stage is a relatively instable life period and the stability of individual life can be enhanced by the complementary concepts of social participation and social security network. For the solution of labor flexibility, the strategy to ensured the individual safety is suggested despites of secu-lexibility; the study further suggested to make the improvement from the perspective of system, policy, and implementation.
The study is limited by the development of inferential results and it may need further research to complement. It's also suggested that atypical employee from various area with various types can be studied separately and the discourse on labor security and social security can be further enhanced.
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