

作者:薛婷芳 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:後設情緒理念師生情緒互動幼兒教育俗民誌meta-emotion philosophyteacher-student emotional interactionearly childhood educationethnography
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The purpose of this study was to explore what early childhood teachers’ meta-emotion philosophy means and how it influences their teaching practices. This study was conducted as an ethnography. I had been a participant observer in an early childhood classroom for one academic year. The two participing teachers co-teach 30 students in the classroom. Fieldnotes and videotapes recorded the events of classroom sessions. Semi-structured intervews were conducted with the participating teachers. In addition, documents such as teaching journals, teacher portfolios, student observation records, and student work were collected. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory analysis procedure.
The results of the study revealed that early childhood teachers’ meta-emotion philosophy consists of two dimensions, emotionally behavioral representation and emotionally intellectual representation. Each dimension includes two types of scaffolding. The four types of scaffolding are the restrictively disciplinary scaffolding, coaching disciplinary scaffolding, affectional solicitude scaffolding, and recognitive guiding scaffolding.
Early childhood teachers may use single or compounded scaffolding types accoding to children’s needs or contextual requirements. Inconsistency in the use of scaffolding types may occur between teachers’ mind and action. Teachers’ meta-emotion philosophy and its associated teaching practices are dynamic and revolving.
The influencial factors of early childhood teachers’ meta-emotion philosophy and its associated teaching practices are multiple and mutilevelled. The influence of their personal characteristics and the microsystems surrounded appear to be direct and significant among those factors.
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