

題名:青年創業歷程之研究- 以MA網路直銷公司為例
主題關鍵詞:青年創業創業歷程網路直銷創業團隊創業能力創業者特質youth entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship processonline direct sellingentrepreneurship teamentrepreneurship abilityentrepreneur characteristic
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This study focused on two teams of young entrepreneurs who were affiliated with the MA Online Direct Selling Company and were based in Taipei and Kaohsiung, respectively. Based on relevant studies and theories on entrepreneurship and online entrepreneurship, this study conducted in-depth interviews with seven young entrepreneurs performing online direct selling and two team leaders to investigate the process of startup establishment by young entrepreneurs. The resultant analysis and discussions can serve as a reference for other teams of young entrepreneurs with various characteristics for the establishment of an online direct selling startup and educational training.
In this study, the establishment process of an online direct selling startup by young entrepreneurs was categorized into initial, learning and growing, organizational development, and stabilization phases. The study results indicated that the establishments of the startups by the young entrepreneurs were not achieved through individual efforts; successful development required teamwork. The difficulties encountered and response measures performed by the young entrepreneurs in Teams A and B are detailed as follows. In the initial phase, the teams were constantly impeded by obstacles because they had not grasped the principles of operation; substantial learning was required. In the learning and growing phase, a prototype of the teams emerged while the number of difficulties and challenges increased. In the organizational development phase, the teams became robust and began looking for potential successors as the next team managers. In the stabilization phase, the teams attained financial freedom, enabling them to emphasize proper leadership and self-enhancement. The differences between these two teams were also compared: Whereas Team A initiated the startup through collaborative relationships, Team B began the startup through product-related professional abilities. Teams A and B overcame difficulties and challenges by using various financial strategies and networks. In addition, the headhunting strategies, team solidarity cultivation, spiritual elevation, and ideal team building of these two teams were also examined. In summary, this study proposed three suggestions: (a) Young entrepreneurs should fulfill the entrepreneurship attitude and spirit without considering themselves as entrepreneur-stars. (b) Learning by doing and by using a strong resolution is essential to the success of young entrepreneurs. (c) A team and its members should mutually support each other. Self-improvement can be achieved by learning with a humble attitude.
Keywords: youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship process, online direct selling, entrepreneurship team, entrepreneurship ability, entrepreneur characteristi


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