

作者:劉季貞 引用關係
指導教授:余嬪 博士
主題關鍵詞:主體動力工作興旺力主觀職涯成功agencywork initiative and thrivingsubjective career success
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關鍵詞 : 主體動力、工作興旺力、主觀職涯成功
A study on the relationships among human agency,
work initiative and thriving, and subjective career success of managers
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among the human agency、work initiative and thriving and subjective career success of managers who study at the master’s program in the Universities. The study constructs the model and verifies the direct impact of manager’s agency on subjective career success as well as the indirect impact or mediating effect of work initiative and thriving between agency and subjective career success.
A questionnaire survey is conducted in this study. 400 effective questionnaires from Universities in Kaohsiung City are used to analyze the differences between demographic vairables and managers’ agency、work initiative and thriving and subjective career success. In addition, they are used to construct and verify the model.
Research instruments include Basic Demographic Data、The Assessment of Human Agency、Personal Initiative Scale、Thriving Scale and Career Satisfaction Scale。Data obtained from the survey are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics Analysis、t-test、One-way ANOVA、Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The major findings of this research are as follows:
Managers’ agency has significant difference in gender、marriage、age、seniority and position; managers’ work initiative and thriving has significant difference in marriage、age、seniority and position; managers’ subjective career success has sifnificant difference in gender、marriage、age、seniority and position. Managers’ agency has a diect and positive effect on their subjective career success. The relationship between managers’ agency and subjective career success is mediated by work initiative and thriving.
According to the findings and conclusions, the study proposes the suggestions for managers who studies in the University, human resource department at the enterprises, continuing education department and counselling center in the Universities and future researchers.
Keywords : agency, work initiative and thriving, subjective career success
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