

題名:大學生生命意義感、希望感、靈性健康與 生命實踐之關聯性模式建構與驗證
主題關鍵詞:大學生生命意義感希望感靈性健康生命實踐college studentsthe meaning in lifethe sense of hopespiritual healthlife practice
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摘 要
The study is aimed to analyze and verify the relationship model among the meaning in life, the sense of hope , spiritual health and life practice in Taiwan college students. Whether the sense of hope and spiritual health are the mediators between the meaning in life and life practicet are discussed. A questionnaire survey is employed in this study. In order to test the reliability and the validity of the scale, the pretest data from 316 students is randomly date. Whereas 708 for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)and 514 for double check. The data of 1,222 students from different background was analyzed to test the difference in the four latent variables: the meaning in life, the sense of hope, spiritual health and life practice .
The relationships research among the four latent variables are discussed. The students completed 4 questionnaires including “The Meaning in Life Scale”, “The Sense of Hope Scale”, “Spiritual Health Scale”, and “Life Practice Scale”. The data was analyzed by CFA, descriptive statistics , and structural equation modeling (SEM) by SPSS and AMOS.
The major conclusions of the research are as follows:
1. Data-model fitted well in measurement models for the scales of college students’ the meaning in life, the sense of hope , spiritual health and life practice.
2. The current situation of the meaning in life, the meaning in life, the sense of hope , spiritual health and life practice in college students were above the medium level.
3. College students who are more piously existing male and female friends show more better in the meaning life, the sense of hope , spiritual health and life practice.
4. College students who are more participate in community activities show more better in the meaning life, the sense of hope , spiritual health and life practice.
5. For college students, there is significantly direct relationship between the meaning life and life practice. Furthermore, their the sense of hope and spiritual health can be mediators of the meaning in life, which is significantly indirect related to life practice.
In conclusion, the study proposed some suggestions for the college students, schools, and further research.
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