

題名:參觀動機、正向思考、體驗價值與行為意圖關係之研究 —以鼻頭角社區學習站為例
主題關鍵詞:鼻頭角社區學習站參觀動機正向思考體驗價值行為意圖learning sitessightseeing motivationpositive thinkingexperiential valuesbehavioral intention
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摘 要
The Correlates among Sightseeing Motivation, Positive Thinking, Experiential Value and Revisiting Intention: A Case Study of Bitou Cape Community Learning Sites
How to add values in a declining community to attract more visitors is the key issue in post industry society. In line with this, a fish village, Bitou has been revitalized as several learning sites. To understand the effectiveness of those learning sites, this study aims on exploring the relationships among sightseeing motivation, positive thinking, experiential values, and revisit behavioral intention of Bitou sightseeing learning sites based on the theory of “affection-perception-intention. Questionnaire survey was adapted to this study to explore the sightseers’ sightseeing motivation, positive thinking, experiential values, and revisit behavior intention of Bitou sightseeing learning sites.
Participants of this study were sightseers of Bitou sightseeing learning sites. There were 400 questionnaire send out for the study, and 248 were valid for analysis. The descriptive statistic method and structural equation modeling used to test the hypothesis. The results of this study list as follows: 1) Sightseeing motivation of participants was positively correlated to their three types of experiential values. 2) Positive thinking of participants was positively correlated to their three types of experiential values. 3) Hedonic value was positively correlated to revisit behavioral intention. 4) Social value was positively correlated to revisit behavioral intention. 5) Epistemic value was positively correlated to revisit behavioral intention..
As the result, the following implications were proposed for the government and schools who are willing to promote the community sightseeing learning sites. 1) Recommendations for Bitou sightseeing learning site, including: (1) To design new accessible learning sites to increase the experiential values of the enlargement of community natural resources. (2) To enrich the contents to attract more visitors’ to revisit. 2) Suggestion for government units: (1) To use Bitou learning sites as examples to add values for other fish village. (2) To synthesize neighbor fish villages of Bitou as a whole learning community.
Keywords: learning sites, sightseeing motivation, positive thinking, experiential values, behavioral intention.
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