

作者(外文):Yeong-Ching Lin
指導教授:盧 秀 琴
主題關鍵詞:科學認知科學探索科學情意科學技能scientific cognitionscientific explorationscientific affectionscientific skill
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This research was aimed to analyze the difference in scientific inquiry for elementary school students with different genders in different Taiwan’s regions. This research prepared the test scale of the scientific inquiry curriculum according to the learning objective of scientific inquiry ability in the natural and living scientific and technological field for Grade 1-9 Curriculum in elementary and junior high school as well as the learning objective of scientific inquiry ability in national science curriculum standard for USA; the test scale was classified into 4 subtests of scientific cognition, scientific exploration, scientific affection and scientific skill so as to understand the status of elementary school students’ scientific exploration and further to discuss the correlation between science curriculum in elementary school and scientific inquiry. This research collected 1005 valid tests in Taiwan, and the data analysis was divided into two parts: the first part was aimed at students’ background data analysis to explain the representativeness of the samples in the research; the second part was aimed at the data obtained from the test questions of science inquiry curriculum to analyze the mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and F test for statistical test.
By concluding the results of data analysis, this research has discovered:
(1) The mean scores in the subtest of scientific cognition, scientific exploration, scientific affection and scientific skill for boy students in northern, middle, southern and eastern part of Taiwan were all higher than those of girl students.
(2) There was no significant difference in the subtest of scientific cognition, scientific exploration and scientific affection but there exists a significant difference in the subtest of scientific skill for students with different genders in northern part.
(3) There was no significant difference in the subtest of scientific skill but there existed significant difference in the subtest of scientific cognition, scientific exploration and scientific affection for students with different genders in middle part.
(4) There existed significant difference in the subtest of scientific cognition, scientific exploration, scientific affection and scientific skill for students with different genders in southern part.
(5) There was no significant difference in the subtest of scientific cognition, scientific exploration and scientific skill but there existed significant difference in the subtest of scientific affection for students with different genders in eastern part.
(6) There was no significant difference in each subtest for students in different schools in northern part, while there existed significant difference in each subtest test for students in different schools in middle, southern and eastern part.
According to the research results, this research proposed the relevant suggestions.
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