

作者(外文):Tai, Chun Yi
主題關鍵詞:傷慟展示轉型正義集體記憶人權紀念博物館Trauma ExhibitionTransitional JusticeCollective MemoryHuman RightsMemorial Museums
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本論文欲討論「傷慟展示」的元素與台灣傷慟展示中轉型正義的問題。「傷慟展示」指的是去重現具有人為傷亡事件的歷史過去、或歷史上對於人權不公平、不公義的侵犯事件,企圖以展示紀念的方式達到阻止未來此類事件再發生之可能。筆者將傷慟展示包含的意義與責任歸類如下:一、對於歷史事件的交代與描述。二、為受害者平反伸張。三、撫慰倖存者與受害者家屬的創傷。四、了解加害者的動機,並對於加害者有責任的譴責。五、加強群族與種族間的融合。六、凝聚、重構新的民族與國家認同。七、警世並期望在未來避免類似傷慟事件再度發生。八、肩負社會教育的責任。九、無論政治勢力更迭之變化,對傷慟事件必需持有中立的立場。保存以至再現傷慟記憶的目的,一方面是讓受難者及受害者不被遺忘;另一方面則是期盼透過對於悲劇的省思,讓觀者能瞭解到自己對於過去歷史也擔負著一份社會道德責任。本文的研究問題先以實際案例從德國的三處傷慟展示,分別為柏林猶太博物館(Jüdisches Museum Berlin)、歐洲被害猶太人紀念碑(Denkmalfür die ermordetenJudenEuropas)、達豪集中營(Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau)。對於德國傷慟展示作出分析,以及德國如何處理傷慟展示,並討論其爭議與論點,像是建築本身能夠詮釋傷慟事件嗎?在柏林猶太博物館中,如何利用情境與建築的概念來表達傷慟情緒?紀念能夠用抽象的型式來進行嗎?過於抽象的藝術品能夠傳地傷慟嗎?如何讓當代藝術與傷慟事件能有完整的扣連?觀者來到曾經發生傷慟之地會有何種情緒產生?再以台灣傷慟展示的案例:二二八紀念館與景美人權園區的爭議作為台灣案例,再回頭探視台灣在傷慟展示上所面臨的問題以及所需的改變,試圖讓台灣在轉型正義的道路上能夠持續前進。最後探究傷慟展示元素有哪些?以文字、圖像、與物件作為三個出發點來探討傷慟展示中出現的元素,希冀整理傷慟展示的要件,以其梳理傷慟展示的元素,並進而傷慟展示全面的可能性,進而藉由傷痛展示達到轉型正義的目的。
This dissertation aims to discuss the social issues regarding the elements of “trauma exhibition” and the potential problems of “transitional justice” in the form of trauma exhibition in Taiwan. Trauma exhibition is a practice to recreate historic events that qualify as holocaust, human right injustice and violations in the form of an art presentation, aiming to serve as monuments and cautionary tales to prevent similar events from happening again in the future. This essay has categorized the objectives and purposes of such trauma exhibition into the following: (a) describe the event including its causes and effects; (b) uphold the justice for the victims; (c) comfort the survivors and the families of the victims; (d) help understand the persecutors’ motives and condemn them for their unjust actions; (e) fortify the integration among racial communities; (f) rebuild the cultural and the national identities; (g) act as a cautionary tale to the world to prevent the happening of similar events in the future; (h) take on the responsibilities of educating the society, and (i) provide the events with neutral insights and understandings regardless of political or cultural differences. There are two goals of preserving such traumatic memories. First, it helps the victims and their families not to be forgotten as time lapses. In the other hand, it expects to let the audience take on part of the social responsibilities for their own history. This dissertation attempts to present and organize the key elements of trauma exhibition; in addition, it discusses the possibilities of Taiwan utilizing trauma exhibition to gain transitional justice. Research topics are categorized into three main parts: (a) What are the key elements of a trauma exhibition? By using texts, images, and objects as a start, the dissertation then explore the key elements that appear in any trauma exhibition; (b) By studying the three individual cases in Germany, namely Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Denkmalfür die ermordeten JudenEuropas, and Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau, this paper analyzes how Germany executes their trauma exhibitions and discusses its controversies. For example, can buildings themselves fully represent the emotions regarding the inhuman events? Can monuments be represented in an abstract way? Can overly abstract art precisely transfer the trauma to its audience? How to create a clear connections between modern arts and the historic events? What are the audience’s emotions incurred by the exhibition? (c) By presenting the trauma exhibition cases of the 228 memorial museum and National Human Right Museum in Taiwan, the paper digs deeper into the potential problems Taiwan might face and changes that have to be done to move forward in the path to transitional justice.

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