

作者(外文):Shiau, Yin-Chang
主題關鍵詞:父母影響力學校人際互動社群網絡雙族群認同parental influenceinterpersonal interaction in schoolsocial networkbi-ethnic identification
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This study examined the factors contributing to bi-ethnic identification in children of southeast Asian female immigrants (SAFI). Due to the complex and multifaceted environments of these children, their bi-ethnic identification development is influenced by individual factors and contextual effects. Survey research based on ecological theory was the primary approach used in this study. This research was based on a self-compiled questionnaire named “The questionnaire for student life experience”. This data was from northern Taiwan and surveyed public school children in grades four through six with SAFI mothers. A total of 900 questionnaires were distributed and 709 completed questionnaires were returned. The ecological factors examined included parent influence (parenting style of father and mother and parent-child relationship), interpersonal interaction in school (peer relationships and teacher-student relationships) and social networks (community relation and familial relationships).
The results of this research were as follows:
1.Parental influence, interpersonal interactions in school, social network factors and bi-ethnic identity in children of SAFI were above average.
2.Parental influence, interpersonal interactions in school, social networks and bi-ethnic identity in children of SAFI showed significant gender differences.
3.Parental influence, interpersonal interactions in school and social networks were associated with bi-ethnic identity in children of SAFI.
4.Parental influence, interpersonal interactions in school, and social networks account for 68.4% of the variance of bi-ethnic identity in children of SAFI.
5.The SEM constructed for the parental influence, interpersonal interactions in school, social networks and bi-ethnic identity showed a goodness of fit.
Based on these results, these findings provide the foundation for several proposals that will assist education administration authorities, junior-high schools, teachers, parents and future researchers in their respective work.
Keywords: parental influence, interpersonal interaction in school, social network,
bi-ethnic identification
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