

作者(外文):Lin, Wen-Chuan
主題關鍵詞:數學課程教學轉化教師知識教學情境pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculumteacher knowledgesituational context of teaching
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The purpose of this study was to explore the processes and performances of two elementary school teachers’ pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculum. The main concerns of the study were that(1)what two teachers(Teacher A and B) do in the processes of pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculum ;(2)how situational contexts of teaching affected the processes of teachers’ pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculum. A case study was used to investigate the processes of two teachers’ pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculum. Firstly, the researcher interviewed with teachers to collect data about their curriculum interpretation and teaching planning, and analyzed the data to understand teachers’ pedagogical transformation of perceived curriculum. Secondly, in classroom teaching, the researcher observed teachers’ teaching actions, and videotaped the teaching processes to analyze the pedagogical transformation of teachers’ operational curriculum.
The results of the study indicated that(1)in perceived curriculum, Teacher A emphasized that the connections among mathematical concepts, and transformed mathematical concepts to facilitate students’ learning through various forms of instructional representations with mathematical meanings. Teacher B emphasized that the connections among mathematical concepts, intended to review the students’ mathematical learning experiences, and used situational or concrete instructional representations to form instructional plannings.(2)in operational curriculum, Teacher A emphasized the connections of the important mathematical concepts and interpreted the nature of mathematical operations in the content of the textbook and the instructional plannings. He transformed the meaning of mathematical concepts to guide students’ mathematical thinking and conceptual understanding through decreasing difficulties of mathematical problems and posing the open mathematical questions. Teacher B emphasized the connections of the mathematical concepts and constructed the basis of students’ mathematical concepts in the content of the textbook. He confirmed the correctness of the students’ problem solving, and connected the students’ mathematical concepts through decreasing difficulties of mathematical problems, adjusting the teaching activities, and exampling mathematical problems. (3)in the factors affecting perceived curriculum, the version and contents of the textbook limited Teacher A and B to choose the mathematics lessons and instructional activities. But Teacher A added or adjusted the contents of textbook by using his knowledge in teaching. Teacher B followed the contents and instructional activities of textbook, but adjusted the order of instructional activities based on students’ experiences. The school routine procedures limited time arrangement of Teacher A and B in instructional plannings. (4)in the factors affecting operational curriculum, Teacher A adjusted instructional contents, the order of instructional activities, and chose the teaching strategies based on the performances of students’ homework, and the participation of students’ learning activities. When lacking of the teaching sources, Teacher A chose usable instructional tools to fit the context of classroom. The performances of students’ homework did not influence Teacher B to adjust instructional contents, and the order of instructional activities. Teacher B concerned the participation of students’ learning activities. Teacher B preferred to use the electronic book.
Key word: pedagogical transformation of mathematics curriculum, teacher knowledge, situational context of teaching.
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