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研究結果發現受訪之女性受刑人成長經驗不佳,其攜子入監皆因缺乏外在的支持系統,監獄僅能提供兒童身體發展上所需的定期做健康檢查、 施打預防針,甚至有塗氟等服務。基於監獄戒護安全的考量,受刑人間言談受到限制,使得孩子因與大人互動不多,對其語言與認知發展產生不利影響,且有產生監獄化之危機。此外,女性受刑人的資源不足,使得其經濟負擔大、資源取得不便,心理需求少被滿足,而照顧孩子過程中面對自身適應狀況、就醫選擇兩難、管教難以一致、且照顧小孩會影響其作業分數,這些使得使受刑人常感身心俱疲。
This study employed a qualitative research method from the perspective of social support through interviews with female prisoners serving their sentences with children under 3.5 years, inmates not caring for children in prison, and the workers at Taoyuan Women’s Prison. The interviews were aimed at exploring the needs of the prisoners in raising their children while incarcerated, and the formal and informal social support received in the process.
The results indicate that the female prisoners lack a satisfactory growth experience and the external social support system needed for raising their children in prison. The prison is only able to provide the regular health examinations, vaccinations, and fluoride treatments needed for the physical development of the children. For the safety of the prison workers, conversation among prisoners is limited, and this may negatively affect the language and cognitive development of the children and lead to their potential prisonization. Moreover, because of resource insufficiency, the female prisoners endure severe economic burden and inconvenience in acquiring needed resources, and their psychological needs are rarely met. Additionally, their own adaptation problems, difficulties in selecting medical options and disciplining their children, and the effect of their care on their labor score of progressive treatment responsibility, further exhaust the prisoners physically and mentally.
Social support is provided in the form of instrumental, informational, and emotional support. According to the results of this study, the instrumental support for the female prisoners raising children in prison, particularly the money and goods needed for the daily living of children, is typically provided by their families. This support is provided by the prison authority only when families are incapable of doing so themselves. The inmate center primarily provides food, and the prison director provides material support according to the condition of each prisoner. Most labor support is provided by the inmates, who help one another to raise their children; no labor support is provided by the prison authority. Informational support (e.g., knowledge and experience) has primarily been provided by inmates, who, unable to support their own children, provide mothers with knowledge on raising children. The information provided by inmates can increase the knowledge of mothers on raising children but may also lead to stress. The prison authority provides parenting courses, but not emotional support. Emotional support (e.g., consolation, encouragement, friendship, and identification) is provided by inmates and families. Families provide the prisoners with emotional support in the form of meetings, letters, phone calls, and video calls, but the emotional support provided by inmates can lead not only to positive support but also to negative emotional disruption.
The results of this study show that the existing policies have inhibited the developmental needs of the children raised in prison. As such, it is necessary for policymakers to formulate age restrictions and evaluation mechanisms, and provide a child-raising environment and facilities for prisoners, as well as the services needed for the development and daily living of children. Regarding the formal and informal support available for prisoners raising children in prison, in consideration of child welfare, regardless of whether prisoners receive informal support, they must be provided with comprehensive formal support. Therefore, policymakers should examine the law and policy framework, promote cooperation and assistance between the government and the people, and establish monitoring mechanisms for adjusting the orientation of their prison policies.
Keywords: Mothers with Their Children on Prison, Female Inmates, Social Support Networks
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