

主題關鍵詞:道德經翻譯研究西班牙漢學詮釋學比較文學接受研究Daode jingTranslation StudySinology in SpainHermeneuticsComparative LiteratureReception Study
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The Modern Spanish Interpretation of the Daode jing
This dissertation aims at revisiting the translation and interpretation of the Spanish versions of Daode jing with the approach of Reception Study of Comparative Literature. Based on our understanding, Lao Tse. Tao te ching. La gnosis taoísta del Tao te ching published in 1961 by Carmelo Elorduy, not only it was the first direct Spanish translation of Daode jing, but it also made Daode jing a philosophical classic by its introductory comment. Elorduy’s study was the only existing Spanish version until 1978 that El libro del Tao appeared, this translation made by Iñaki Preciado Idoeta included the Manwangdui Laozi discovered in 1973 and gained the recognition for the best translation award by Spain in 1979 (Premio Nacional de Traducción “Fray Luis de león”) and Preciado then published Tao te ching-Los libros del Tao which included Wang Bi Laozi, the Manwangdui Laozi and Guodian Laozi unearthed in 1993. Afterwards, José Ramón Álvarez and Anne-Hélène Suárez also devoted their time to the translation work of Daode jing. However, these Spanish annotations and translations have not been studied and discussed literally by scholars of related areas, neither those translations have formed an academic dialogues between one and another; the Spanish versions of Daode jing are viewed as different sole writings to a certain degree. Although Daode jing was viewed as philosophy at the beginning and the above translators acquired insights related to languages, cultures and thinking, these studies about classic translation have not obtained due diligence that it seemed to be a regret of literary world. Consequently, this dissertation firstly affirms that the translation itself is an interpretation on Daode jing by going through the introduction of different Spanish versions of Daode jing and its authors, and followed by translation analysis on certain chapters to understand the interpretations of the translators; then, according to the comparison of different translations, to discover the problems of translating and interpreting Daode jing based on the discovery and analysis of dialogue arrangements between Spanish translator and Chinese scholars; above discussion on the translation and interpretation of the Spanish versions of Daode jing unfolds the unique metaphysical meanings of Chinese philosophy and the study’s intended teachings of universal practical living.
Keywords: Daode jing, translation study, Sinology in Spain, Hermeneutics, Comparative Literature, Reception Study
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