

主題關鍵詞:女性初任校長職涯規畫自由女性主義性別Female Primary PrincipalCareer DevelopmentLiberal FeminismGender
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With the change of social pattern, gender issues have gradually become the focus of public affairs. In the course of promoting and implementing gender equity education, female leaders in decision-making positions are only a minority. If we want to eliminate sexism in education and practice gender equality, we should have a sense of gender equality, and convey the concept to the students as a good model for learning situations. Therefore, observing the experience on the career development of the female primary principal from the promotion of teachers, team leaders and directors, and exploring the factors affecting their career development, from the perspective of liberal feminism, should be meaningful.
In this study, the female primary principals of national primary school in north, central and south regions in Taiwan, were selected as subjects. Through the literature analysis and interviewing method, qualitative research was carried out to establish the semi-structured interview outline. The process of influencing factors from liberal feminism, "respect for individual freedom", "equal opportunity protection" and "face gender differences", were the points of analysis and criticism. The study found that female primary principals’ career planning model is to balance the work and family. From respect for individual freedom, the support and respect of the family is a key factor in the success of the career planning of the female primary principals. In the case of equality of opportunity, there is no significant difference in the pace of career planning for the female primary principals with the male principal, but under the influence of family and gender roles, it will be relatively passive and slow. the female primary principals’ characteristics and values are the key to break through career barriers. Therefore, the female primary principals are generally able to break the gender differences, to find the courage to achieve self-realization of their own ideals.
The research suggests that female primary principals should take advantage of the multiple strategies to deal with family care responsibilities in addition to continuing the notion of gender determination in the face of career planning dilemma. In the process of establishing self-value and breaking through social and cultural values, we should also establish equal opportunities for self-actualization and active positive personal values, and provide courage to face the test of the future. For the future research direction, the development and influence of the gender issues, the process of female principals' social and cultural changes, and the key to break away from the social and cultural value bundling of female principals are all worth studying. Feminism led to the awakening of women's subject consciousness, changed the social structure of female relaxation. Hope that every female educator in the future has equal opportunity under the premise of the real personal qualities and values, and braves to pursue their dreams, to show the implementation of the true meaning of gender equality.
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