

主題關鍵詞:後現代體育教學模式postmodernphysical education teaching model
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多元化的年代來臨,人類已儼然邁入後現代的世紀是一個不爭的事實,體育教學務必隨著時代的轉變而精進。本研究即在開創一種嶄新的後現代體育教學模式 (Teaching Model of Postmodern Physical Education, TPPE),以提升學生的學習成效,並培育未來的思維能力。研究目的包括:檢驗創編之後現代體育課學習量表 (LSOPPE) 的因素結構與題項合宜性(研究一);探究學生在實施 TPPE 模式後,是否在多元、創新、批判、反思等信念上會產生較高的學習成效(研究二)。研究方法包括:文獻分析法、焦點團體座談、深度訪談、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、準實驗研究設計。研究一之結果確認了後現代體育課學習量表具有良好的信度與效度;研究二之結果顯示,實施 TPPE 模式可促進學生在多元、創新、批判、反思等信念之學習成效。期望本研究能對體育教學領域之發展,帶來更多實質的貢獻。
It is an indisputable fact that mankind has entered postmodern century, therefor, the teaching on physical education must be improved along with the changes of modern times. The aim of this study attempted to create a new Teaching Model of Postmodern Physical Education (TPPE) in order to promote the learning achievements of students, as well as to foster the thinking ability of students for the future. Study 1 was to examined the appropriateness for items and factorial structure in Learning Scale of Postmodern Physical Education (LSOPPE). Study 2 was to explore the learning outcomes of students in the beliefs of pluralism, innovation, criticism and reflection after the implementation of TPPE. The research methods included: literature analysis, focus group, in-depth interviews, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and quasi-experimental research design. The results of study 1 confirmed a good reliability and validity of LSOPPE. The results of study 2 showed that the implementation of TPPE could enhance students' learning effectiveness in the beliefs of pluralism, innovation, criticism and reflection. To conclude, this research was expected to bring more substantial contributions for the teaching development of physical education.
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