

主題關鍵詞:以學習者為中心數理教學專業能力教師專業發展計劃learner-centeredmath/science professional teaching competenceprofessional development program
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To help providing useful information for designing professional development (PD) programs, the purpose of this study was to understand the current status of math/science (M/S) teachers’ professional teaching competence (PTC) and the associated influencing factors (PTCIF), with the learner-centered principles in mind.
The data analyzed in this study came from a national survey conducted by a research project supported by the National Science Council. Using a M/S Teachers’ Professional Development Questionnaire, and with a 2-stage stratified random sampling, the survey study involved 556 elementary schools, and 1,374 math/science teachers. As validated by a dialectic process involving Cronbach’s α reliability and different validity criteria, the entire questionnaire was found to consist of 10 subscales. The PTC dimension was consisted of 4 subscales, namely, Curriculum Plan and Instructional Design, Instructional Activity Arrangement(IA), New Constructivist Learning Environment Survey, and Self-Efficacy toward Inquiry Teaching and PCK for M/S Teaching; and the PTCIF dimension was consisted of 6 subscales, namely, motivation toward PD in PTC promotion, motivation toward PD in social contact, motivation toward PD in professional advancement, PD activities(PDA), PD topics, and Instructional Influences. Data analysis methods included MANOVA, canonical correlation and cluster analysis. The results are presented in the following:
1. In regards to learner-centered teaching, teachers’ self-perceptions of their PTC and PTCIF are medium. Except IA and PDA subscales are low~medium, motivation toward PD in PTC promotion subscale is medium~high, and the others are medium.
2. There are significant differences in both the PTC and PTCIF dimensions among teachers of different demographic backgrounds in terms of gender, class or subject matter teachers, math/science majors or not, teaching experiences, the highest academic backgrounds and assigned administrative positions. However, there are no significant differences associated with school locations and the sizes of school.
3. There is a significant correlation between the PTC and the PTCIF dimensions, in the intermediate range. The PTCIF dimension influences the PTC dimension mainly through the PD topics subscale.
4. Based on the scores obtained from 7 subscales, the participating teachers were divided into 3 clusters, namely, “excellent”,“medium” and “basic ”, with PD topics subscale playing a dominant role in the classification.
Suggestions for planning PD programs for elementary school M/S teachers were offered, based on the above findings.
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