

主題關鍵詞:表達性藝術治療家庭評估對立性反抗兒童expressive art therapyfamily assessmentchildren with ODD
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The purpose of this study is to explore families that have children with oppositional defiant disorder, ODD. Through the family members, sub-system interactive experience and contents obtained through the expressive art therapy family assessment model, an insight was gained into the family dynamics forming the emotional experience and behavioral problems of the children with ODD as well as the implications behind the oppositional defiant behavior under such family dynamics, in the hope of gaining a deeper understanding of the families and the children in these families who shall serve as the basis for related follow-up treatments. The researcher adopted Bowen’s family system theory and expressive art therapy as the bases. Six expressive family art therapy assessment activities were designed, including the first activity “first interview with the parents, “the second activity “activities in parents’ family of origin, “the third to the fifth activities “family assessment activities, “and the sixth activity “parent counseling.”
In this study, two families participated, and the children of focus were all boys. Each family accepted the six family assessment activities. The entire family creation activity unit process was recorded on video. The research results include the second through the fifth interviews with the parents’ maiden family and family members. This study used the “non-pathological empirical phenomenology “viewpoint to take a step closer to the family interaction experience. Through three pathways, namely, “family interaction context,” “image symbol context” and “parents’ maiden family context,” the family dynamics were formed to understand children with ODD.
The research results are as follows: the story of the first family “Each making an effort to do their own thing; each making an effort to solve their own problems “and the story of the second family “Parents give broad boundaries; children are free but disturbed” were adopted to explain the interactive experience between the family members and the sub-system. The findings show that opposition a defiant behaviors appear to be not obedient, but in reality, they internalize unspoken family rules and affect the results of the entire family dynamics. The focused children in Family A internalized the unspoken family rule of “Do things good, do them right. “Since the detailed actions were difficult, the targeted behavior failed to be achieved, resulting in frustration and triggered the whole family’s frustrating experience. The focus children in Family B internalized the unspoken family rule of “emotional connection with cohesion but no conflict, “which also had the function of connecting the emotional family bond. The consolidated results show that the oppositional defiant behaviors are the result of defying unspoken family rules on behalf of the entire family.
Finally, the researcher proposed reviews and recommendations for this assessment model and put forward recommendations for parent counseling, as well as practical work and research.
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