

主題關鍵詞:閱讀理解教學專業知能教師專業學習社群reading comprehensionprofession knowledge of reading instructionprofessional learning community
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the developmental changes in elementary school teachers’ professional knowledge and competence of reading-comprehension instruction through professional learning community (PLC). Two main aspects of the development of teachers’ professional knowledge and competence of reading-comprehension instruction were explored as follows. Firstly, the operational process of a professional learning community for reading instruction, including its member composition, contents, and achievements were explored. Secondly, teachers’ awareness of their difficulties in reading comprehension instruction was examined. Their teaching practice, and teaching reflection through reading professional learning community were also explored.
This study employed a holistic multiple cases study method. Three teachers in an elementary school’s reading professional learning community in central Taiwan were chosen as the cases. The case teachers’ participations in the PLC and their instruction of reading comprehension were observed. The researcher also collected case teachers professional knowledge through unstructured interview. Data were then analyzed by Atlas.ti qualitative data analysis software.
The main findings of this study were as follows.
a) the operational progress in this reading professional learning community, i.e. “discussion, teaching practice, and practice sharing ” cycle, promoted and supported the participating teachers’ development of teaching profession knowledge in reading comprehension.
b) elementary school teachers’ problem awareness, teaching practice and teaching reflection in reading comprehension all showed the variation trends from simplicity toward multiplicity in the reading professional learning community.
c) elementary school teachers, getting involved in reading professional learning community, promoted their teaching professional knowledge in reading comprehension. Enhancing the higher level questioning strategies in reading instruction rendering as well as related teaching knowledge, teachers loosened up their original belief which is followed by identifying “reading is thinking.” Besides, teachers should adjust Chinese class by increasing the number of higher-level question to guide students’ thinking in the reading class.
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