

作者(外文):LIN, TSAI-YUN
主題關鍵詞:學校目標結構知覺教學成就目標取向教師自我效能教學行為調整Perceptions of school goal structuresTeaching goal orientationsTeacher efficacyTeaching behavior regulations
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本研究旨在探討國小教師對學校目標結構知覺、教學成就目標取向、自我效能與教學行為調整之間的關係。以104學年度全國公立國小之正式教師為母群體,採用分層比例立意抽樣進行問卷調查,以學校所在地及學校規模做為分層標準,以「國民小學教師對學校目標結構知覺、教學成就目標取向、自我效能和教學行為調整之關係研究調查問卷」作為本研究之研究工具,共得有效樣本1045人。以電腦套裝軟體SPSS 20 For Windows及Amos 18.0進行統計分析與整理。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、結構方程模式等統計方法考驗假設。研究結果如下:
The purpose of this study was to examine the relations among perceptions of school goal structures, teaching goal orientations, teacher efficacy and teaching behavior regulations by elementary school’s teachers. The research was conducted by questionnaire survey. By means of stratified proportional sampling, the study collected 1045 valid samples from elementary school’s teachers in Taiwan. The instrument was used in this study included Teacher’s perceptions of school goal structures scale, Teacher’s teaching goal orientations scale, Teacher efficacy scale and Teacher’s teaching behavior regulations scale. Afterward, the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, structural equation modeling with SPSS 20 and AMOS 18.0.
The findings of the study were summarized as follows:
1. There were significant differences on gender of teachers for the personal teaching efficacy, the adaptive and maladaptive teaching behavior regulations.
2. There were significant differences on different education degree of teachers for the approach - performance goal and the personal teaching efficacy.
3. There were significant differences on different years of experience of teachers for the approach - mastery goal, the personal teaching efficacy and the contextual teaching efficacy.
4. There were significant differences on different task of teachers for the perceptions of school mastery goal structures, school performance goal structures, the approach - performance goal, the contextual teaching efficacy and the general teaching efficacy.
5. There were significant differences on different class numbers of school for the perceptions of school mastery goal structures, school performance goal structures, the avoidance - performance goal, the general teaching efficacy and maladaptive teaching behavior regulations.
6. There were significant differences on different residence of schools for the perceptions of school mastery goal structures and school performance goal structures.
7. There were significant correlations among most dimensions of perceptions of school goal structures, teaching goal orientations, teacher efficacy and teaching behavior regulations.
8. The perceptions of school goal structures could not significant predict teaching behavior regulations.
9. Teaching goal orientations had a positive effect on teaching behavior regulations.
10. Teacher efficacy could not significant predict teaching behavior regulations.
11. The perceptions of school goal structures could not significant predict teaching goal orientations.
12. The perceptions of school goal structures could not significant predict teacher efficacy.
13. Teaching goal orientations had a positive effect on teacher efficacy.
14. Teacher efficacy wasn’t the mediator between the perceptions of school goal structures and teaching behavior regulations.
15. Teacher efficacy wasn’t the mediator between teaching goal orientations and teaching behavior regulations.
16. Teaching goal orientations wasn’t the mediator between the perceptions of school goal structures and teaching behavior regulations.
17.The empirical data couldn’t verify the model of teachers’ teaching behavior regulations.
The researcher provided recommendations based on the findings as references for educational administrative institutions, schools, teachers and further studies.
Keywords: Perceptions of school goal structures, Teaching goal orientations, Teacher efficacy, Teaching behavior regulations
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